It is spelled M-c-D-o-n-a-l-d’s.

Mac or Mc is a Gaelic name. There is no dispute between Mac and Mc when it comes to Irish or Scottish names. Mac is, in fact, a separate word that means “son of”. MacDonald is the same as Mcdonald and McDonald, depending on which family you are associated with.
Because regularized writing is a very new development, past written accounts frequently comprise spellings like Mac, while in some cases Mc as well. Spellings can also change across a person's life in scenarios such as birth, baptism, marriage, and funeral records.
How do you say McDonald’s?

McDonald’s can be pronounced in a variety of ways depending on the region. Here are some examples of how McDonald’s is pronounced around the world. In the UK or in British English, McDonald’s is pronounced, muhk-Don-uhldz. In the US or in US English, the primary is mack-DON-uhldz. An alternate pronunciation in US English is mik-DAHN-uhldz. In Asian countries, the pronunciation is more diverse, like in Singapore it is, mac-donna, in Korean it is, mac-don-aye-der, and in Japanese it is, ma-ku-do-na-ru-do.
How many countries are McDonald's in?

McDonald's has been confirmed as the world's leading global food-service retailer in over 100 countries, with over 38,000 locations across the globe.
Where is the largest McDonald’s in the world?

The largest McDonald's in the United States is in Orlando, Florida, and it is also the largest McDonald's restaurant in the world. Its official name is the World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's, measuring over 19,000 square feet.

Q. How old is McDonald's?
A. McDonald’s was founded in 1940, making it 82 years old.
Q. Where is McDonald’s headquarters?
A. McDonald’s headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Q. What Is The Best-Selling Item On The McDonald's Menu?
A. The best-selling item on the McDonald’s menu is French Fries.
Q. How many McDonald's restaurants are there in the world?
A. McDonald’s has over 38,000 locations in over 100 countries.