Devoted fans of How I Met Your Mother are sure to notice tiny instances where events were mismatched. It wasn't easy on part of the team to get away from making mistakes on a show entirely based on flashbacks.
How I Met Your Mother has one of the most unique concepts where Ted Mosby narrates to his children the circumstances via which he met their mother. His journey is shown in the form of flashbacks. The narration also brings along his best friends who have always shared a special spot in his life.
While most viewers did not pay undivided attention to every little incident, enthusiasts were quick to review scenes that seemed unfitting. Time to sit back and revisit these scenes from How I Met Your Mother for a better understanding.
Five glaring errors that viewers overlooked in How I Met Your Mother
1) Ted and Marshall playing Playstation 2

The scene takes place in one of the flashbacks from their college days when Ted and Marshall were roommates. The episode called How I Met Everyone Else is a narration of how Ted met all his friends in the form of flashbacks.
The flashback of the two playing Playstation 2 started with the story of Ted meeting Marshall and Lily for the first time. The scene takes place in 1996.
However, according to reports, the Playstation 2 did not come out until 2000s. Chances are that it's a PlayStation 1. But the controllers they're using were not released until 1997. They definitely messed up and curious viewers easily picked that up.
2) Steve Henry and the Blitz curse

Steve Henry, the one with the Blitz curse, is another of Ted and Marshall's college buddies. It is believed that he was victimized by the Blitz curse because great things always occurred after him leaving.
Robin became a newbie to the group when she met them in 2005. However, in this flashback scene, Steven Henry talks about just buying the Madden 2k1 which came out in 2000. Yet we see Robin sitting with the group at the MacLaren's Pub.
Not many viewers have pointed out this mistake. But those who know it are aware that it's one of the many mix-ups of How I Met Your Mother.
3) Robin and field hockey

In season one, in one of the Halloween episodes, Robin claimed to have never played a team sport while having a heart-to-heart with Ted.

Later on in the show, in several instances, Robin brings up stories about her high school field hockey team and the games they used to play.
In season four, there is also a scene where Robin is seen celebrating with her hockey team at her father's house. This flashback was shown when she tried to narrate the story of her father wanting a son. He even named her and treated her as a son. In the end, Robin became the son her father never had.
4) James' fiance, Tom

James, Barney's brother, has a fiancé Tom who was revealed as a white man in season two. Barney took a sneak peek at his brother's phone's wallpaper.

In season seven, the group finally gets to meet Tom, who is a completely different person. He looked entirely different from the man seen in the wallpaper. Nevertheless, viewers were happy to see that James and Tom are in a happy long-term relationship. On that note, this mishap will conveniently be ignored.
5) Barney and Robin's wedding date
While Ted isn't the happiest about Barney and Robin's engagement announcement, he must keep his bitter feelings aside. To Lily's shock, he has even started wedding planning without her assistance. According to Ted, in episode 13 of season 8, May 25, 2013 has been fixed as the wedding date.

Although, in the very first episode of season 9, its a Friday, 55 hours before the wedding. According to the calendar, May 25 was a Saturday in 2013 meaning that the wedding couldn't have taken place on May 25.
The date mentioned by Ted had to be the wrong one because throughout season 9, Sunday was referred to as the wedding day. It was just another accident on behalf of the How I Met Your Mother team that viewers didn't seem to notice.
How I Met Your Mother is a classic modern sitcom that everybody deserves to enjoy. Nevertheless, these errors tend to break the flow of the show, creating uncertainty.
Fans came to observe the abundant mishaps exactly as they built love/hate relationships for the characters. If the unsatisfactory ending can't stop fans from preaching about How I Met Your Mother, these errors are nothing in the face of this honorable show.