Nollywood was plunged into mourning when renowned Nigerian actor and comedian John Okafor passed away on Saturday, March 2, 2024. The actor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, had been diagnosed with an illness in October and even had to have his leg amputated. He passed away due to a cardiac arrest at the age of 62.
Okafor was well-known in and outside of Nigeria due to a plethora of well-received roles in movies like the 2004 hit Mr Ibu and the follow-up, Mr Ibu in London, which landed him the nickname Mr Ibu. Okafor's passing was confirmed by the Actors Guild of Nigeria.
John Okafor passed away due to a cardiac arrest
The National President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, announced via an Instagram post on Saturday, March 2, that the country's beloved Mr. Ibu was no more. Rollas announced:
"Mr Ibu suffered cardiac arrest according to his manager for 24 years Mr Don Single Nwuzor."
"I announce with deep sense of grief that Mr Ibu didnt make it. May his soul rest in peace." He added.
According to the NIH, a cardiac arrest occurs when the human heart unexpectedly and abruptly stops pumping blood. It will completely block off the blood flow to the brain and various other parts of the body. Cardiac arrests are caused by different types of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), like ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, that stop the heart from pumping blood.
In October, through a post on the actor's Instagram handle, John Okafor and his family requested his fans and well-wishers to pray and make financial donations for the actor, who was suffering from a "strange and dangerous illness" that required him to amputate one of his legs.
Various statements from the actor's family on Instagram revealed that Okafor had undergone multiple surgeries and even amputated one of his legs to increase his chance of recovery. His family wrote in a statement released in November 2023:
"This development has been hard on us all but we've had to accept it as Daddy's new reality to keep him alive."
In the latest post on John Okafor's account, a statement made in December clarified that Okafor's initial leg amputation did not "correct his health predicament," so the very same leg had to be further amputated.
It was also revealed that the actor's sickness and amputation were not the result of diabetes but the result of constant clotting of blood on his leg due to deceased blood vessels, along with other health struggles.
The statement further revealed:
"The only reason why the family has not flown him out of the country till date is cause the doctors have tagged him “Not Fit to Fly”.. This tag has made it extremely impossible to get him out of the country for advanced treatment as no airline will fly him.."
According to Arise News, John Okafor passed away at Evercare Hospital in Lekki, Lagos, surrounded by his family. The Actors Guild of Nigeria posted a tribute to Okafor on Instagram, calling him a "true icon of Nollywood" that brought joy, laughter, and smiles throughout the entirety of Nigeria. The Actors Guild wrote:
"His legacy extends far beyond the realm of entertainment; it is a testament to the power of laughter and the universal language of joy. In a world often fraught with challenges, Mr. Ibu’s ability to light up the darkest of days with his humor was nothing short of miraculous."
The tribute concluded by requesting people to cherish the memories John Okafor left behind and thanking the beloved Mr Ibu for bringing laughter and joy to countless households across the country.