Miller's Girl, a 93-minute captivating sensual thriller with a strong narrative, was released on January 26. The movie features Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman playing the lead in the teacher-student dark romance drama.
Written, produced, and directed by Jade Halley Bartlett, the plot follows a talented young writer (Jenna Ortega) and her teacher (Martin Freeman) caught in a complex web of experiences as they set out on a creative journey together.
Since Ortega captivated the audience with her brilliant performance in Netflix's Wednesday and Scream reboot, fans have wanted to see her play more adult, independent, and ambitious roles. And Miller's Girl gave her that break.
Miller's Girl runs at a lean 1 hour and 33 minutes
Miller's Girl makes a compelling case for lengthier films, even in those cases where the short 90-minute thriller (93, in this case) still has a lot of appeal. In this instance, the additional runtime could have been incredibly helpful for character development.
For people who enjoy an excellent comparison, the running time of this picture aligns with multiple other movies released by Good Universe:
- The Grudge - One hour and thirty-three minutes
- Don't Breathe 2 - One hour and thirty-eight minutes
- Blockers - One hour and forty-two Minutes
And more films at similar times are on the list.
Upon closer inspection, the Jenna Ortega- Martin Freeman movie almost immediately loses the plot and all of the characters in Cairo in an attempt to focus the narrative on her. For this reason, a three-hour running length may have been excessive.
Upon further reflection, the film's duration could have been prolonged due to instances where it seemed something was left out. The dynamic between Cairo and Jon bypasses the middle phase entirely, as it swiftly transitions from a charming yet precarious initial interaction to a dramatic breakdown in the later stages.
Miller's Girl is a small story with just a few central characters. Besides Jonathan Miller (Freeman) and Cairo Sweet (Ortega), there's Cairo's best friend, Winnie (Gideon Adlon), Boris Fillmore (Bashir Salahuddin), the coach and Beatrice (Dagmara Domińczyk), Jon's wife.
Jade Halley's Miller's Girl Plot
Author of only one book, Apostrophes and Ampersands, Jonathan Miller (Freeman), is a literature teacher in the movie. He is fond of Ortega's Cairo Sweet, the star student of his class, especially her creative writing assignments.
He gives Cairo a unique writing assignment that requires her to write in the style of a favorite author. He notices her flirting energy when he finally gets to read her creative assignment. Then, his sensually charged relationship with Cairo starts.
Ortega's movie deals with the complicated relationship between the 18-year-old student and her teacher, which is a highly sensitive issue. It shows how the admiration of a teacher can affect a student and how far it can make her go.
As Sweet starts writing about an imagined affair between the two, what initially appears to be the teacher's harmless encouragement becomes a substantially inappropriate thing. It's unclear if Miller tries to discourage his student's approaches. However, Sweet resolves to pursue him no matter what.
Miller's Girl will be available on Starz for streaming.