The Golden Bachelor, a reality TV show that has garnered attention for its focus on senior romance, is set to air its season finale this week. This unique show stars Gerry Turner, a 72-year-old retired restaurateur from Hudson, Indiana, who embarked on a journey to find love among senior contestants.
The finale, scheduled for November 30 at 8 pm ET, promises to be a two-hour event filled with emotional moments and significant decisions.
The episode, titled Finale and After The Final Rose, will be broadcast on ABC and be available on Hulu the following day. Viewers have followed Gerry's journey from the start of the season, which began with 22 women, leading to the final two contestants, Theresa Nist and Leslie Fhima.
The Golden Bachelor season 9 finale episode specifics
The season finale of The Golden Bachelor is set for a two-hour episode, providing ample time for the culmination of this season's journey. Scheduled to air on November 30 at 8 pm ET, the episode will be available for viewers on ABC, with the option for streaming on Hulu the day after.
The extended duration of the finale is a departure from regular episodes, allowing for a more comprehensive conclusion to the season. The episode, aptly named Finale and After The Final Rose, is expected to offer viewers a complete wrap-up of the season's events, along with Gerry Turner's final decision.
From the initial group of 22 contestants, the show has navigated through various stages, including memorable trips and intimate moments, leading to the final two contestants.
Episodes like the trip to Costa Rica and the Fantasy Suites have been particularly notable, showcasing not only romantic connections, but also the personal stories and backgrounds of the contestants. Gerry's journey has been one of self-discovery and emotional growth, as he formed connections with various contestants, each bringing their own stories and experiences to the show.
Profiles of final contestants
As The Golden Bachelor finale approaches, the spotlight falls on the final two contestants, Theresa Nist and Leslie Fhima. Theresa, a 69-year-old financial services professional from Shrewsbury, New Jersey, has stood out for her wisdom and life experience. On the other hand, Leslie, a 64-year-old fitness instructor from Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been notable for her vibrant energy and passion for life.
Both women have formed significant connections with Gerry over the course of the season, making his final decision a matter of great interest to viewers. Their individual journeys with Gerry have been marked by sincere conversations, shared experiences, and mutual respect, setting the stage for a finale filled with anticipation.
Finale expectations
The finale of The Golden Bachelor is not just about who Gerry will choose but also about the culmination of an emotional journey. Adding to the depth of the finale is the involvement of Gerry's family, particularly his daughters. Their presence in the decision-making process brings a personal and familial element to the show, offering insights into how each contestant might fit into Gerry's life beyond the show.
Following the season finale of The Golden Bachelor, viewers can look forward to related programming.
The finale will be immediately followed by a one-hour episode of Bachelor in Paradise season 9, airing from 10-11 pm ET. Additionally, the three-hour season finale of Bachelor in Paradise is scheduled for the following week on December 7, from 8-11 pm ET. These shows continue the theme of exploring romantic connections, offering fans of The Golden Bachelor additional content to enjoy.