The Lego Movie was a blockbuster release from Warner Bros. that grossed over $470 million at the box office upon its 2014 release. It also revitalized the Lego brand in the public consciousness and resulted in the production of multiple spin-offs and sequels.
The Lego Movie was originally pitched by producer Dan Lin in 2008, and production lasted for around six years until its release in 2014.
Dan Lin was inspired by watching his five-year-old son play with Lego toys and make up his own stories about them. The film's production was also supported by Warner Bros executive Kevin Tsujuhara, who had acquired Traveller's Tales, the developer of Lego video games, in 2007.
How was The Lego Movie produced?

Dan Lin pitched The Lego Movie while visiting the Lego headquarters in Denmark in 2008.
While he saw many landmarks like the Lego archives and design lab, when he finally spoke to the executives, they were a bit more skeptical. In a 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Dan said:
"They didn’t feel they needed a movie. They were already a very successful brand. Why take the risk? They were doing really well without a movie."
Dan proceeded to hire brothers Kevin Hageman and Dan Hageman to write a script draft of an action-adventure set in the world of Lego.
Their treatment impressed Jill Wilfert, Lego's VP of licensing and entertainment, pushing the company to fully support the movie's production. As she said in the same interview:
"Once we heard the pitch, how Dan felt he could bring the values of the brand to life, we started to think, ‘This could be interesting.’"
In 2010, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were hired to flesh out the script and direct the film. They had previously directed 2010's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. In 2011, Warner Bros greenlit The Lego Movie for a 2014 release.
What The Lego Movie is about

The Lego Movie follows Emmet Brickowski, a construction worker who gets caught up in stopping an evil plan concocted by Lord Business, who has stolen a superweapon known as the Kragle. Only the Piece of Resistance can seal it before its destructive potential is unleashed.
Emmet stumbles upon the Piece of Resistance at a construction site and experiences visions of the true evil behind everything, the "Man from Upstairs". After passing out, he's captured by Bad Cop, a corrupt policeman under the thumb of Lord Business.
Emmet gets rescued by Wylstyle, a woman he had met at the construction site. Together, they head to the old west, where they meet Vitruvius, a wizard who'd prophesized the arrival of The Special who'd rise up against Lord Business.
It's revealed that Wyldstyle and Vitruvius are Master Builders who can use Legos for creativity without needing an instruction manual, and they're rebelling against Lord Business's tyrannical goals.
Emmet works with Wyldstyle's boyfriend, Batman, to evade Lord Business's forces and reach Cloud Cuckoo Land, the secret headquarters of the Master Builders. However, the inhabitants have no faith in Emmet, and most of them eventually get captured after a surprise attack from Bad Cop.
Emmet attempts to mastermind a heist to disarm the Kragle superweapon, but he gets captured too. Lord Business tosses the Piece of Resistance into the abyss and activates a self-destruct device to kill everyone. Emmet disarms the device and sacrifices himself by falling into the abyss.
Wyldstyle then reveals that her real name is Lucy, and she rallies the resistance to fight back against Lord Business to ensure that Emmet's sacrifice is not in vain. Meanwhile, Emmet finds himself in the real world, where he learns that he's actually a Lego model owned by a boy named Finn.
The Man Upstairs he had a vision of was Finn's father, who didn't like how Finn messed around with his Lego sets and was using superglue to prevent him from being able to play with them.
Emmet successfully convinces Finn to bring him the Piece of Resistance and send him back to the Lego world. In the final confrontation, Emmet reveals his potential as a Master Builder, and Finn and his dad have a conversation about how his father has been hurting his son's creativity.
As a result, Lord Business reforms into a better man, disarms the Kragle weapon and unglues the Lego pieces he had mangled. Batman gives his blessing for Lucy to enter a relationship with Emmet. But in the real world, Finn's sister starts playing with his Lego set, leading to an alien invasion by beings called the Duplo.
The Lego Movie stars Chris Pratt in the leading role of Emmet Brickowski, Elizabeth Banks as Wyldstyle/Lucy, and Will Ferrel as Lord Business and The Man Upstairs.