Netflix’s prequel to the Money Heist series, titled Berlin, premiered all eight episodes simultaneously on December 29, 2023. Created by Alex Pina and Esther Martinez Lobato, the story follows the escapades of Andres de Fonollosa, also known as Berlin. The Spanish TV series has Pedro Alonso in the role of Berlin. The storyline is supposed to lead to the events of the original series of Money Heist, seasons 1 and 2.
Berlin is the story of the making of Berlin in the past, showcasing events of one of the most notorious heists of his prime days. To do this, he teamed with one of the three groups that he has collaborated with in his lifetime of robbery. Set in Paris, Berlin, and his helper team together steal jewels worth €44 million from France’s largest auction house. They do it as an act of illusionism.
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How many Berlin episodes are on Netflix?
The Alex Pina series has a total of eight episodes, and Netflix released all Berlin episodes simultaneously on December 29, 2023. All eight Berlin episodes are currently available to watch on the channel for Netflix subscribers. The Berlin episodes are titled as below:
- Episode 1 – The Energy of Love
- Episode 2 – Anchor and Lobo
- Episode 3 – Full House of Embryos
- Episode 4 – An Aquarium on Your Back
- Episode 5 – After Love
- Episode 6 – Night of the Lemons
- Episode 7 – The Last Virgin in the Western World
- Episode 8 – An Endangered Elephant
All eight Berlin episodes’ summaries explored
Episode 1 of Berlin, titled The Energy of Love, opens with the protagonist sad about getting divorced by his third wife and romanticizes about either having love or a heist to have a great day. The episode introduces the rest of the characters of his team, and they proceed to rob an antique dealer of a 4th-century chalice. The plan for their main heist is revealed in the first episode.
Episode 2, titled Anchor and Lobo, has the whole team practicing for the main heist while taking the preparation forward. The team pulls off its practice by drilling holes in a wall, distracting security personnel, and breaking into an empty vault. On the other hand, the protagonist stays busy with his newly-found love for Camille.
Berlin's episode 3, Full House of Embryos, takes the story forward by presenting Berlin’s affair with Camille, revealed with the lady stepping back to reconcile with her husband Francois, who is now ready to start the family she always wanted. However, Francois is set to get the jewels earlier than the team expected, and they must move up their plans in response.
An Aquarium on You Back, episode 4, presents the team embarking on the jewel heist that they had been planning. The idea is to steal and make Francois look suspicious. Damian, whose wife is cheating, has discord with Berlin over moral issues. Things go wrong when Bruce and Keila try to delete evidence of Bruce’s bike rental.
The rest of the Berlin episodes rush through more unexpected troubles for the team members as they try to evade suspicion and move out of the country. Divided into groups, the characters face their problems with innovative moves, with some opportunities seeming to be straight-through good luck, as seen in the Netflix show.
Keila is bitten by a poisonous snake and hospitalized. Bruce rescues her from there while keeping two policemen hostage. They manage to put the cops to sleep, dump the police car in the water, and escape to Spain by speed boat. Their romantic arc is fulfilled as they come closer.
Roi and Cameron also dodge the police, involving a lot of action, which includes sneaking through tunnels, hiding in plastic plastic-covered lorry, and reaching Spain. While Roi discloses his childhood trauma to Cameron, she takes longer to realize her love for Roi.
While Camille is furious at finding out about Berlin using her to pull off the heist, she also learns about her husband having another family, a wife, and a child. As Berlin and Damian escape the hotel and bike cross country to reach the agreed hideout, Camille plans to extort Berlin, threatening him with jail time.
The finale of the Berlin episodes, titled An Endangered Elephant, ends with Camille meeting Berlin in Madrid and taping his admission about pulling off the heist. She later gets Susie to try to extort 40% of his loot, but the tapes play Spanish music. Berlin reveals having hacked the tapes to avoid leaving evidence but gives her the money nonetheless.
The last of the Berlin episodes ends with Camille returning to France with €3 million, while the protagonist tells Damian that they need to plan a heist again. The prequel will lead to the original series.
Is Berlin based on a true story?
Both the character of Berlin and the show with the same name are works of fiction. Berlin a.k.a. Andres de Fonollosa is a fictional character also seen in the original series, Money Heist, seasons 1 and 2. The grand jewel thief and larcenist is supposedly terminally ill.
While the character sacrifices himself to save his gang at the end of season 2 of Money Heist, he appears in season 3 in flashbacks.
Pedro Alonso plays the charming criminal, along with some new actors in the cast. Berlin episodes are currently available for streaming on Netflix, and viewers can binge-watch all eight episodes.