S.W.A.T. actor Shemar Moore recently took to his Instagram handle to announce that he welcomed a baby girl with girlfriend Jesiree Dizon on January 24. The former made his relationship public on his social media platform on January 9, where he posted a video from his baby’s gender reveal party.
Shemar Moore announced the expected date of his baby's arrival to be February 8 in the gender reveal video. However, blessings came to the pair earlier than expected.
Jesiree has a daughter, Charli Kekuʻulani, with actor Stephen Bishop and a son, Kaiden, from another previous relationship. Since this is Shemar’s first baby, fans have flooded his post with congratulatory messages.
Shemar Moore says his newborn is a gift from him to his late mother
Shemar shared his excitement for the soon-to-arrive baby in the gender reveal party video shared on his Instagram account on January 9, wherein, the 52-year-old could be seen standing in front of the camera and expressing how happy he was feeling. He referred to the day as "a special and a legendary day," because he was about to find out whether he would become a father to a little boy or a little girl.
He then addressed his late mother, stating that he "did it," adding that the latter is in heaven and he misses her a lot. Shemar wished his mother would have in-person to witness the happy event herself and be a part of it. However, the actor added, he knew that his mother was smiling from up there and was proud of him.
Shemar Moore's girlfriend, Jesiree Dizon, then appeared on screen to share her excitement, stating that she would love to have a baby boy because she has a son, and she would "love ten more of him." But then, she came closer to the camera and made a gesture of sharing a secret and said she kind of wants a baby girl.
Dizon said it doesn't matter if the baby is a little girl or a little boy, she wants them to be healthy and happy. She added:
"I'm just so excited for this fortune of our life together and it's gonna be amazing."
The baby's gender was revealed by a flying helicopter which released pink smoke in the sky. Everyone gathered at the party along with the parents-to-be were seemingly overwhelmed with happiness. after the video was uploaded, netizens congratulated the couple with heartfelt messages as well.
Here are some of the reactions from Shemar's followers on Instagram:
On the same day, a preview from Shemar’s episode on The Jennifer Hudson Show was released on the show's YouTube channel, wherein the actor revealed that he was expecting his firstborn. He displayed equal exhilaration while revealing the news to the audience, stating:
"I’m Shemar Moore. 52 and a half years old. My mother is in heaven right now. It will be three year anniversary on February 8th, and on February 8th, I’m gonna make one of her dreams come true. Because in real life, Shemar Moore is about to be a daddy.”
After the announcement, the entire audience present erupted in loud cheers and applause. Jennifer congratulated him and told him that his mother would be very proud.
Shemar Moore added that he felt a little upset that his mother could not be present to share such a fortunate moment of his life. He hinted that for some time, he was worried that he might not be able to experience the joy of fatherhood. However, God had his back and things fell into their place, adding that becoming a father would be the best part of his life.
The actor concluded by saying that his life is pretty grand, but now that he is becoming a father, he knows that whenever his call from heaven comes, he will go there feeling complete.
Alongside modeling, Shemar Moore's baby mama has also appeared on TV shows
Jesiree Dizon is a model who is currently signed with MGM Germany and Renew Artists Hawaii, and is also part of a LA-based talent agency called NTA Talent Agency. She is also a beauty vlogger for which she runs a separate Instagram account.
As per IMDB, Jesiree also has a few acting credits to her name, having appeared on TV shows including Hawaii Five-0, Days of Our Lives, and True Blood.
The 39-year-old model shares a very close relationship with her two children as per her Instagram feed. Her five-year-old daughter often makes appearances in her posts.