The Targaryens in the House of the Dragon were the elite rulers in the events before what is shown in Game of Thrones. They were the proud owners of a fleet of dragons who were feared across the seven kingdoms and allowed the Targaryens to maintain their stronghold.
By the end of the first season of House of the Dragon, there was a mention of a total of 16 dragons. Most of these dragons have a designated rider while some of them remain unclaimed.
The dragons depicted in the series to date include Syrax, Caraxes, Vhagar, Meleys, Seasmoke, Vermax, Arrax, and Vermithor. Tyraxes, Moondancer, Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, and Silverwing, are other dragons mentioned too along with three unclaimed dragons whose names have not been revealed yet.
Which was the strongest dragon in House of the Dragon?

House of the Dragon has provided plenty of screentime for the dragons staying true to the name of the series. All the magnificent beasts hold a lot of power and each has their strengths and weaknesses.
However, some of the older dragons are more experienced in warfare and are seasoned under expert dragon riders. The strongest dragon among these dragons is the majestic Vhagar.
At the conclusion of House of the Dragon season 1, Vhagar is piloted by Aemond "One Eye" Targaryen, the second son of King Viserys I and Alicient Hightower. Along with Balerion and Maraxes, Vhagar is one of the three mythical dragons that first took control of Westeros. The largest living dragon throughout the Dance of the Dragons, she was first mounted by Visenya Targaryen.
Vhagar was once Laena Velaryon's dragon before Aemond Targaryen started riding her. In episode 7, following Laena's funeral, Aemond claims Vhagar as his own. Aemond loses his eye in a struggle with Rhaena and Baela (Laena's daughters) who think the dragon is theirs.
Vhagar is without a doubt the most powerful dragon in the series, with a vicious demeanor and enormous stature. For Rhaenyra Targaryen, Vhagar's presence among the Hightowers is bad news. Fans had already seen Vhagar's strength when Lucerys Velaryon was killed instantaneously by Arrax, who was easily overcome. But the full extent of the vicious dragon's might is still unknown, with more to come in season 2 of House of the Dragon.
How many dragons were mentioned in the books?
In Game of Thrones, there were a total of three dragons who were mentioned. They were Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. The Song of Ice and Fire series featured more dragons some of whom were mentioned in House of the Dragon.
In total, there were 42 dragons mentioned in the series of books by George R.R. Martin. As mentioned in the books, dragons were originally tamed by the Valyrians. A volcanic eruption wiped out the Valyrians barring one noble family, the Targaryens.
Aegon I Targaryen along with his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys conquered Westeros with three surviving dragons Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes. Balerion the Black Dread was the most powerful dragon under Aegon I while Vhagar and Meraxes were ridden by Visenya and Rhaenys.
Stay tuned for the return of the dragons with House of the Dragon Season 2 expected to premiere in August 2024.