Supernatural Academy, a YA fantasy animated series, adapted from the books of Jaymin Eve, The Supernatural Academy, has been summoned by Peacock. The alluring animated series is all ready to debut this January 2022 on the streaming platform.
The animated project is written and developed by Gillian Horvath. Allen Bohbot has served as the executive producer along with 41 Entertainment and Steve Ball is the director of the upcoming series. John Majkut has composed all the original Supernatural Academy theme songs.
Everything on Peacock's 'Supernatural Academy'
Without further ado, let's take a look at the trailer for the upcoming YA animated series straightaway.
What does the trailer foretell?
As the trailer indicates, Supernatural Academy narrates a transcendental journey of two twin sisters. Raised in the mystical world, one sister is self-assured, poised, and quite popular while growing up in the human world. Meanwhile, the other one is an eccentric outsider. When reunited, these distant twin sisters will have to learn to trust each other so they can save themselves and salvage the world.
'Supernatural Academy': Release date
Viewers can dive into this adventurous fantasy animated series on Peacock from January 20, 2022. It has been gleaned from the fascinating books of Jaymin Eve, The Supernatural Academy. In a recent interview, Eve expressed her excitement and gratitude by saying:
“It is so incredible to see my original story come to life in this high-quality animation project,...I am so grateful to both Peacock and 41 Entertainment for believing in me and I am sure that all of the fans of the books are anxiously marking January 20th on their diaries.”
How many episodes are there in 'Supernatural Academy'?
According to the latest news, there will be a total of 16 episodes in the first season of the thoughtfully-envisioned fantasy animated series.
The promising long ensemble voice cast of the series entails Larissa Dias as Jessa Lebron, Gigi Saul Guerrero as Mischa Jackson/Lebron, Vincent Tong as Maximus, Cardi Wong as Braxton, Shannon Chan-Kent as Elda Kristov, Bethan Brown as Terra, Brian Drummond as Headmaster Kristov, Barbara Kottmeier as Lienda Jackson/Lebron, Alessandro Juliani as Jonathon Lebron, Ali J Eisner as Jae, Diana Kaarina as Santra, and Kathleen Barr as Yufon.
Don't forget to watch Supernatural Academy on Peacock from January 20, 2022.