Amazon's highly-anticipated fantasy drama, The Wheel of Time, is all set to return with a new season on September 1, 2023, continuing the intriguing tale that began two years ago. The Rafe Judkins series managed to impress fans with a debut season focusing on Moiraine, a member of a magical organization, who takes five people on a magical journey. The series is based on the novel series of the same name by Robert Jordan with Brandon Sanderson.
The first season of The Wheel of Time premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 19, 2021, with the first three episodes premiering at once. Two years since then, the series has decided to follow the same format and use the same number of episodes to continue the successful story.
The Wheel of Time season 2 features eight episodes in the second season, the first three of which are supposed to premiere this Friday. The first four episodes of the remaining five will be spread over the rest of the month, with the final set for October 6.
The Wheel of Time season 2 has recently revealed the titles of the first four episodes
Here is the detailed release schedule for the second season of the Amazon Prime Video show:
- Episodes 1-3: Friday, September 1:
- Episode 4: Friday, September 8
- Episode 5: Friday, September 15
- Episode 6: Friday, September 22
- Episode 7: Friday, September 29
- Episode 8: Friday, October 6
The first three episodes of the show are titled A Taste of Solitude, Strangers and Friends, and What Might Be, respectively. The title of the fourth episode, which will premiere a week from now, has also received a title update. It will be called Daughters of the Night.
As for the other four episodes, including the finale, the streaming platform has yet to provide sufficient details. It will probably be disclosed as the release date edges closer.
More about The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time is an American high fantasy television series developed by Rafe Judkins for Amazon Prime Video. It follows Rosamund Pike's Morrainean Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, who engages in a quest to search for the "Dragon."
The official synopsis for the show reads:
"The Wheel of Time follows Moiraine, a member of the Aes Sedai, a powerful organization of women who can channel the One Power. With her Warder, Lan, she seeks a group of five young villagers from the secluded Two Rivers region of Andor following an attack on their village, believing one of them is the reincarnation of the Dragon, an extremely powerful channeller who broke the world. The Dragon Reborn is prophesied to either save the world from a primordial evil known as the Dark One, or break it once more."
Apart from Pike, the series stars Daniel Henney as al'Lan Mandragoran, Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara, Madeleine Madden as Egwene al'Vere, Josha Stradowski as Rand al'Thor, Kate Fleetwood as Liandrin Guirale, Dònal Finn as Mat Cauthon, and Priyanka Bose as Alanna Mosvani, among many others.
The second season of The Wheel of Time will begin streaming on September 1, 2023.