Dubai Bling follows the glamorous lives of the Emirati's affluent and elite. The Netflix Original is now in its second season and features most of the cast from the first time around. While the cast was already wildly popular in the UAE, the show made them overnight global sensations. Cast members include Lojain Omran, Loujain Adada, Kris Fade, Safa Siddiqui, Zeina Khoury, and more. Undoubtedly, when fans think of this show, one name stands out as potentially the most widely recognizable from the squad.
Lojain Omran shot to fame long before Dubai Bling, owing to her solid career as a television presenter. Lojain's ex-husband is rarely spoken about on the show, and she prefers to keep her two kids away from the spotlight, too. Lojain's siblings, however, make frequent appearances.
Everything we know about Lojain Omran from Dubai Bling
Lojain Omran was born on October 26, 1977, and is currently 46. The glam Goddess hails from Saudi Arabia and has wealth and luxury written all over her. Dubai Bling is her latest screen feature, but she's no stranger to the camera.
Although she's put her face out there globally, Lojain has always been extremely private about her ex and her children on social media. She has a daughter, Jilan, who tied the knot in 2018, and a son, named Samir.
Lojain's career began in the banking industry in Riyadh, where she worked in operations. She then moved to Bahrain to continue her career. She made strides in finance till 2004.
In 2004, she rose to fame when she became a TV host in Saudi Arabia. Some shows the Dubai Bling star has hosted include Around The Gulf, Good Morning Arabs!, and The Situation with Lojain, among others.
She is very well-traveled and has hosted several events across the United Arab Emirates in locations including Abu Dhabi and Qatar.
In season 1 of Dubai Bling, Lojain mentioned that she was also exploring the world of acting. She was looking to diversify her career due to the untold "age cap" that the Saudi media has for female presenters.
She was named among the "Forbes Top 100 Arabic Celebrities" and placed at number 55 in 2017. The following year, she secured the 87th spot on Gulf Business' "Arabic Power List."
She has 11.2 million followers on Instagram and frequently posts about her collaborations with luxury brands. While she doesn't post much with her kids and their father on the platform, Lojain often posts with her siblings.
Her social media also has several posts commenting on current affairs and politics. Lojain also has a passion for poetry and showcases her writings regularly.
She's the youngest of seven siblings, with three sisters and three brothers. Her brothers, one sister, and mother make appearances on Dubai Bling. As of the first season, Lojain's brother Mazen was living with her.
Her sister, Aseel Omran, is also in the media industry as a successful singer. While Lojain's net worth is unclear, it has been approximated to be between $1 million and $5 million.
Dubai Bling season 2 has luxury in abundance and somehow even more drama. The eight-episode season has been released on Netflix, with the last episode titled "Marry Me?" This suggests that love is also in the air this time around.
Audience can tune in to watch the whole season now!