Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot took to Instagram on Thursday, March 7, 2024, to announce the birth of her fourth daughter with her husband Jaron Varsano. In the caption of the picture, Gadot wrote that she and her daughter made it through the tough pregnancy. She also announced the name of her daughter, Ori, which she wrote, meant "my light" in Hebrew.
Gadot and her husband have three other daughters, Alma, who was born in 2011, Maya, who was born in 2017, and Daniella, born in 2021. The former Miss Israel married Jaron, an Israeli real estate developer-turned-producer in 2008.
All about Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot, who is known for her roles in films like Wonder Woman, Justice League, and Red Notice was born in Petah Tikva on April 30, 1985. She was raised in Rosh Haayin in Israel and gained popularity after being crowned Miss Israel in 2004. Gadot then went on to represent her country at the Miss Universe pageant the same year. Following that she served as a combat fitness instructor in the Israel Defense Forces for years.
After serving her time in the military, Gal Gadot focused on her modeling and acting career and worked on a few TV shows. However, she got her first Hollywood role in 2009 in Fast and Furious as Gisele Yashar, a role she reprised in the subsequent installments of the film series.
She gained international fame only after she appeared as Wonder Woman in Zack Snyder's 2016 film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The next year, she was given her own film Wonder Woman which was a critical and commercial success.
The actress was named one of the 100 Influential People in the World by Time Magazine in 2018 and was ranked as the tenth highest-paid actress in the world by Forbes magazine.
Gal Gadot has since then gone on to star in multiple films including Red Notice, Death on the Nile, Heart of Stone, and Wonder Woman 1984. Her upcoming film Snow White is set to be released in 2025.
Gal Gadot's husband Jaron Varsano is a real estate developer
Gal Gadot met her now-husband Jaron Varsano in 2006 while serving in the military. According to a Vogue interview, they were at a desert retreat in the south of Israel. While speaking about their connection, Gadot said that "something happened" from the "first moment" that they began talking to each other.
According to People magazine, Jaron Varsano was a real estate developer who built the Varsano Hotel in Tel Aviv alongside his brother, Guy. However, in 2017, he sold the hotel along with his entire real estate portfolio to move to Los Angeles with Gal Gadot.
A Deadline article reported that Varsano and Gadot formed their own production company called Pilot Wave in 2019. The production company would be involved in a historical thriller titled Irena Sendler, in which Gadot would play the titular character. Speaking about the company, the actress said that they aimed to bring stories that have inspired them to live.
Jaron Varsano also made a post on Instagram to welcome the birth of their fourth daughter to "the house of girls." While the caption was the same as what Gadot had written, he added:
"Bliss! Thank you my beautiful lioness.. Forever my beating heart."
Gal Gadot was last seen onscreen in the Netflix film Heart of Stone a year ago, alongside Jamie Dornan and Alia Bhatt. Her upcoming project includes Disney's live adaptation of Snow White, which will see her play the role of the wicked queen opposite Rachel Zegler's titular character.