The celebrated soap opera Days of Our Lives brought back one of its most infamous storylines from 25 years prior, rekindling a supernatural nightmare that had once terrorized the town of Salem. Dr. Marlena Evans, impeccably portrayed by the legendary Deidre Hall, once more found herself at the epicenter of an evil force that had haunted her in the past.
This chilling resurrection of her possession, which took place in Days of Our Lives's 56th season that aired from 2020 to 2021, is a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the most iconic storylines in the soap opera's history.
In a shocking revelation that unfolded in the show's 56th season, the enigmatic character Doug unveiled his sinister identity during a therapy session with Marlena in her office. A wave of disbelief and terror washed over Marlena as she realized that she was once again in the malevolent entity's crosshairs.
How had Days of Our Lives portrayed Marlena so far?
Days of Our Lives, a beloved soap opera that has held viewers in its thrall for over five decades, is renowned for pushing the boundaries of traditional soap opera storytelling. Over the years, it has fearlessly ventured into diverse genres, including action, espionage, science fiction, and even horror. In the show's 56th season, as the possession of Marlena Evans resurfaced, it continued to defy the conventions of the soap opera genre.
The show's remarkable ability to craft enduring narratives that span generations is one of its hallmarks. Marlena's possession, once again in the 56th season, is a testament to this legacy, once again infusing supernatural elements into a storyline that both enthralls and terrifies audiences.
Marlena Evans, a central character on Days of Our Lives since 1976, has been at the epicenter of Stefano DiMera's obsession for decades. Stefano, whose villainous schemes rival those of comic book supervillains, employed hypnotism to manipulate Marlena's affections. This insidious endeavor weakened her spirit, rendering her vulnerable to the malevolent forces lurking in the shadows.
How did Marlena get possessed again in Days of Our Lives?
In the show's 56th season, Marlena's possession began with a series of unsettling dreams that soon escalated into a nightmarish ordeal. Her possession was marked by eerie phenomena, including levitation and haunting yellow contact lenses to signify the devil's presence. During this terrifying episode, Marlena once again wreaked havoc in Salem, chaining unsuspecting individuals to altars and disrupting weddings.
While Marlena remained the primary target of the malevolent entity, other residents of Salem found themselves ensnared in its temptations. In the battle against the darkness, Stefano DiMera's relentless vendetta against Marlena and the Brady family plays a pivotal role in her salvation. John Black, one of Marlena's love interests, stepped up to free her from the clutches of evil. Initially mistaken for her husband, Roman Brady, who had amnesia, John was later revealed to be an agent of Stefano.
However, an unexpected revelation emerged: John had once been a priest before Stefano's interference. This newfound knowledge transformed John into the ideal candidate to perform an exorcism, freeing Days of Our Lives Marlena from her nightmarish possession.
Final thoughts
To date, the chilling saga of Marlena's possession continues to mesmerize audiences, reminding them of the boundless storytelling potential of Peacock's Days of Our Lives. The resurrection of this iconic storyline reaffirms the show's ability to deliver gripping narratives that transcend the conventional limits of the soap opera genre. As Marlena once again grapples with an ancient evil in the show's 56th season, the residents of Salem brace themselves for a journey into the unknown.
Days of Our Lives has continued to leave viewers eagerly awaiting the next spine-tingling chapter.