How much are Burning Man tickets? All you need to know about the resale as first batch sells out in 29 minutes

Radical self-expression festival Burning Man tickets were sold out in 29 minutes soon after the main sale went live on March 30 (Image via Instagram/@burningman)
Radical self-expression festival Burning Man tickets were sold out in 29 minutes soon after the main sale went live on March 30 (Image via Instagram/@burningman)

Tickets for the radical self-expression and art festival, Burning Man, were sold out in just 29 minutes after the main sale went live on March 30. The event is slated to take place from August 28 to September 5, 2022, in the Black Rock Desert, about two hours north of Reno. Reports speculated that there were technical glitches during the sale, but all the tickets were sold out within 30 minutes.

In a tweet, The Burning Man Project noted:

"We are looking into a bottleneck issue caused by the extremely high spike of traffic at noon, which resulted in some people having trouble accessing Profiles if they attempted to do so shortly after 12p PT."

Each ticket at the main sale was priced at $575, and vehicle passes were priced at $140 each. The main sale, however, only had 10,000 tickets, while the capacity of the event's current special recreation permit is 80,000. Fans who could not access the tickets during the main sale can still get their hands on Burning Man tickets.

How to get hands-on Burning Man tickets after main tickets sold out

The Burning Man event page notes that there are several ways in which fans can get access to the event’s tickets despite the main event being sold out. There are options to buy discounted Ticket Aid Program tickets, the OMG sale, as well as the official resale exchange, called the Secure Ticket Exchange Program or STEP.

Burning Man notes that STEP facilitates the safe return and resale of face-value tickets that have been purchased directly from the Burning Man Project. It also ensures that it provides a hassle-free and secure way of buying and returning tickets while avoiding scammers, counterfeits, and scalpers and keeps tickets circulating within the community. The details will be updated on the website page.

The OMG sale will be available from July 27, 2022, at 12:00 PM (noon) to July 29, 2022, at 12:00 PM (noon) PDT. The sale starts on August 3, 2022, at 12:00 PM (noon) PDT.

The tickets at the OMG sale will be priced at $575 each, and approximately 3,000 tickets will be available during the sale. Around 1,500 vehicle passes will be available at $140 each. Fans can purchase a maximum of two tickets and one vehicle pass. Fans can only register to buy tickets in the OMG Sale if they have not previously bought tickets through an earlier sale.

(Image via Burning Man)
(Image via Burning Man)

There is also a Ticket Aid Program that offers 5,000 $225 tickets to people with qualifying applications. Applications submitted by people are reviewed in the order they are received and awards are issued on a rolling basis.

The awarded applicants will need to pay for their tickets online between July 25, 2022, and July 28, 2022. They are also eligible to purchase a $140 vehicle pass at the same time if needed. The last date for the application review process is May 18.

Additionally, a Stewards Sale will allow people working at the event to get access to the tickets. Approximately 35,000 $475 tickets and 15,000 $140 vehicle passes will be available in this sale. Participation in the Stewards Sale requires pre-registration through Burner Profiles.

More about the Burning Man event

Burning Man is an annual event that focuses on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. The name of the event comes from the culminating ceremony of burning a large wooden effigy, referred to as the Man, the night before Labor Day.

The first such event originated on June 22, 1986, in Baker Beach, San Francisco, as a small function organized by Larry Harvey and Jerry James, the builders of the first Man.

The event has been located at Black Rock City in northwestern Nevada since 1991 at a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert, about 100 miles from Reno. In 2019, 78,850 people participated in the event. In 2021, the unofficial event had an estimated 20,000 attendees.

An interesting fact about the 9-day event is that no brands are allowed there, and attendees cannot purchase anything. They are required to create and exchange something interesting, highlighting the notion of giving. When the festival ends, all the camps and art installations are removed from the venue, as if the festival never happened.

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Edited by R. Elahi
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