Ahsoka Tano, an iconic character for Star Wars fans, underwent a tremendous transformation from her early days as a young Padawan to her adulthood as a warrior. Given her significant part in the Star Wars story, it is interesting to evaluate her age throughout the Clone Wars. Ahsoka was approximately 17 at the end Clone Wars.
On her homeworld of Shili, Ahsoka was born in 36 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin). Although her early years in the Star Wars canon are rather mysterious, we do know that she was first brought to the Jedi Temple when she was just three years old. Clearly, at this stage, she was far from an ideal candidate for friendship due to her infancy.
Ahsoka: From Clone Wars to her own series
Ahsoka first appeared as a Padawan in the anime series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where she developed and experienced rigorous Jedi training. She was 14 years old at this point, making her the ideal candidate to play the part of a Padawan.
After a significant time jump in season 3, the young Togruta girl was probably approximately 17 or 18 years old by the end of Clone Wars. She would have been a good friend for someone in their early twenties who could be planning experiences like going to bars on worlds like Tatooine. However, these pleasures would be a boon considering the galaxy's endless wars.
During the execution of Order 66, which occurred when Ahsoka was about 19 years old, her life took a depressing turn. She decided to withdraw herself from the Empire's unrelenting pursuit during this period, which was characterized by the tragic events of the Jedi Purge. To do this, she went on a ten-year sabbatical while looking for comfort and avoiding Imperial persecution.
Ahsoka plays a crucial role in Star Wars: Rebels, which is set a few decades after she returned from her hiatus. She was perhaps 30 years old at this point, not the young padawan or party animal she may have been in her previous years. She had completely devoted her attention to the Rebellion and vowed to fight to the death to overthrow the Galactic Empire.
After the Clone Wars, she continued to live as a mechanic and, over time, developed into an important asset for the Rebellion while operating under the moniker Fulcrum. Her early work with the Rebellion, which is detailed in Rebels, put her in an awkward encounter with Darth Vader.
Vader was believed to have killed Ahsoka, but padawan Ezra Bridger was able to travel to the enchanted World Between Worlds, whereupon he was able to alter time to save her. She developed a tight bond with the Rebels, all of whom are making their live-action debuts in Ahsoka on Diseny+.
With her appearance in The Mandalorian, which is set around five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, she was perhaps 45 years old at this time. Possibly middle age by the standards of her Togruta species, who are known for their lengthy lifespans.
It's interesting to see how Tano's character evolved throughout the Clone Wars and beyond. Her journey, from her early Padawan days to her part in overthrowing the empire, demonstrates her tenacity and development. This legacy is carried on by the Disney+ series, which promises even more thrilling chapters in her incredible narrative.