Jinx is said to be 12 years old in the first act of Arcane and is expected to be 17-19 years old in the second and third acts.

When Jinx was born, she was named Powder. She became a Zaunite criminal and is the younger sister of Vi. A failed uprising against Piltover killed her parents when she was a child. Vander, the leader of the undercity, adopted her and Vi as his daughters. Jinx was fundamentally and irrevocably changed after a series of events forced her and her sister apart which transformed her into a killer.
Who was Jinx from Arcane League of Legends previously?

Jinx was previously known as Powder, was a kind and curious but clumsy child who often made decisions that would badly affect the people around her. She hated herself because she was criticized by Mylo for making these decisions. She was very upset by the death of her parents and would have trouble connecting with her sister, Vi.
After she caused the deaths of Mylo, Claggor, and Vander and Vi seemingly abandoning her during her weakest moment, her trauma would become more pronounced. She experienced both auditory and visual hallucinations of Mylo and Claggor's dead voices and bodies. She would act lively, but this was just a cover-up for the hurt and trauma of past events. She's also very sarcastic and extroverted with a twisted sense of humor.

After she was adopted by Silco, Jinx became more chaotic and was more likely to have hallucinations. She even liked being a criminal and being a little sadistic. Sevika said that Jinx is someone who cannot be controlled, even by Silco. She's a very skilled inventor with a high level of creativity and intelligence, and she's created her own arsenal of weaponry.
Singeds chemical changes would make her even more paranoid and more erratic. With the return of her sister, seemingly with another person, she would do whatever it took to not lose her again, even kidnapping her and accidentally killing Silco. Even though she was mentally unstable, a part of her called Powder stayed with her. This made her feel scared of being the same scared, weak, and timid child she had been before Vi left her. This made her struggle with her true identity. She adopted her new individuality after Silos death.
What abilities does Jinx have?

She has a Chemically Altered Physiology because she was in a horrifying experiment where they used shimmer to save her life. Jinx would always have shimmer inside her body. This would make her powerful, quicker, and more durable than an average human, but at the cost of a more harmed mental state.
She is also an Engineer as, without official learning, Jinx eventually learned how to create many contraptions and weapons with her own creativity and inventiveness. Her ability to reverse engineering technology with the aid of research journals makes her the first Zaunite to properly utilize hextech gemstones in a device.
What is Arcane League of Legends about?

Arcane: League of Legends is an animated action-adventure series created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee for Netflix. It was created by Fortiche under the supervision of Riot Games and focuses on several characters from the League of Legends games, particularly Jinx and Vi. The series was first released in November 2021.
The world behind League of Legends has a delicate balance between the rich utopian city of Piltover and the seedy underground of Zaun. Known across Runeterra as the “city of progress,” many of the most brilliant minds call these cities home. But the creation of hextech, a way for anyone to control magical energy, is dangerous because it could upset the balance. The story follows how two famous League champions came to be and the power that will split them up.

Q. How old is Vi from Arcane League of Legends?
A. It is believed that Vi is 14-16 years old during the first act of Arcane and is 20-23 years old during the second and third act.
Q. How old is Jinx from Arcane League of Legends?
A. Jinx is said to be 12 years old in the first act of Arcane and is expected to be 17-19 years old in the second and third act.
Q. Who is Vi and Jinx's father?
A. Vi’s and Jinx's biological father’s name is currently unknown.
Q. When will season two of Arcane League of Legends come out?
A. It's not known when the second season of Arcane will be released, but the show's first season can be seen as an indicator of when it will be. The second season of the show is currently in production.