Beauty vlogger Jaclyn Hill has announced her engagement to her boyfriend of four years, Jordan Farnum. The 31-year-old YouTuber posted a video on her channel titled “HE PROPOSED! AND FILMED IT!” Farnum proposed to the makeup artist last year on December 25. However, the vlog has been uploaded to YouTube today.
Hill showcased her engagement ring in the aforementioned Instagram post as she hugged her fiancé. The caption read, “A MILLION TIMES YES!!!!”
Since then, the makeup guru has shared more pictures with the 27-year-old to commemorate their engagement.
How did Jaclyn Hill and Jordan Farnum meet?
Jaclyn Hill started dating the food vlogger after her former marriage to Jon Hill ended in 2018. It was revealed that she met Farnum through her ex-husband, as he hired the vlogger to help them with video editing.
Farnum and Jaclyn’s ex-husband were rumored to be close friends as well.
These details made fans wonder whether Hill’s first marriage ended due to an extramarital affair. However, she debunked the same in a video she uploaded in September 2020. She claimed to have separated from her ex-husband prior to announcing their divorce on her channel. She added that the two only knew each other professionally and were not close friends.
She also mentioned in the video that she began pursuing Jordan Farnum following her divorce by sliding into his DMs. Jaclyn Hill said in the video:
"It wasn't until Jon and I had gotten a divorce that he [Jordan] and I, through DMs, casually started talking about filming. The next thing you know, it just started. It sparked up there. There was an interest there, and I pursued him 100%."
Jordan Farnum has his own YouTube channel called “MoreSeasoning!” where he posts food content. Though he has only uploaded 50 videos, he has amassed over 157k subscribers. His latest video is titled “MAKING MY FIANCÉE'S FAVORITE PASTA! (PLUS MY PROPOSAL!)”