Lucy Coe, portrayed by Sheryl Lynn Herring, is a character from the soap opera General Hospital. Lucy Coe first appeared on General Hospital on April 11, 1986, and was shown as a mousy 28-year-old librarian. Only later did she become an alibi in a murder. She was shown as an evil character throughout the show.
First, she appeared in the series for 18 years, from 1986 to 2004, and took off for a few years. However, in 2012, she reappeared at the General Hospital and was seen on screen for about a decade. She has been in the series for 28 years, and for nearly 600 episodes, the character has made a huge fanbase for her evil portrayal.
Lynn Herring is older in real life. Her current age is 64 years old. Lynn has also been a part of Port Charles, Never Say Never: The Deidre Hall Story, Pandemonium, and many more successful projects, bringing her huge critical acclaim.
Lucy Coe on General Hospital, character explored
At the beginning, Lucy Coe was portrayed as a shy and nervous timid librarian, but later, she became a manipulative villain for the entirety of General Hospital. Lilana Novakovich of the Toronto Star called Lucy Coe a "sexy villain."
Although she was shown acting in a negative light, she gained a huge fanbase for her portrayal as such. She turned out to be the most loved character from General Hospital at her time. Being involved with Kevin O'Connor, Coe became an alibi in his murder mystery.
Lucy has had her huge share of affairs throughout the show. While married to Bobbie Spencer's husband, Jake Meyer, Lucy Coe later had an affair with Alan Quartermaine and ruthlessly miscarried children from both relationships. She eventually married Tony Jones and then Alan Quartermaine, causing turmoil in the Quartermaine family.
Lucy also had an affair with Scotty while married to Alan, resulting in another pregnancy and yet another miscarriage. Coe later became a surrogate for Scotty and Dominique Taub, giving birth to their child, Serena.
Lucy's involvement with Damian Smith caused problems in Tony and Bobbie's marriage. She also met Kevin during this time, who helped her change her ways.
Despite challenges like Kevin's mental breakdown and Lucy's involvement in an accident with Serena, they stayed together until Lucy's actions led Kevin to call off their wedding. Coe's share of ups and downs, especially with her love life, infidelity, and unwanted motherhood, gave too many evil variables to her character.
Crimes committed by the vicious antagonist Lucy Coe on General Hospital
Lucy Coe's list of crimes throughout the show is scarily big. The list starts with when she first poses as a librarian just to drive Terry Brock insane, followed by perjuring herself. She was involved in several adulterous affairs, including one with Kevin O'Connor while he was married to Terry Brock and another with Jake Meyer. In contrast, he was married to Bobbie Spencer.
She also had a string of violent incidents, such as accidentally letting BJ drink nail polish remover, indirectly causing Victor Jerome's death. She was also involved in criminal activities, like drugging Harlan Barrett with Monica and Tracy. Lucy's tumultuous behavior led to her arrest for fraud on July 18, 2023, although she was later released.
The history of General Hospital has been going on since it first debuted in 1963, making the show become a cultural phenomenon in the passing years. Too many characters come and go and leave their mark on the screen with the General Hospital. Fans can watch the show on ABC, where it airs on weekdays. Hulu,, and the ABC App are more streaming options.