Teen Titans is among the most popular comic book series in the DC Extended Universe, with teenage superheroes created to intrigue younger audiences. As the name suggests, the leader of Teen Titans, Robin The Boy Wonder, is a teenager, no older than 16.
The exact age of Robin when he created Teen Titans is still up for debate. The Teen Titans first appeared unofficially in 1964 as part of The Brave and the Bold series, as a group of sidekick characters of Batman, Flash, and Aquaman.
Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad got their comic series next year called The Teen Titans and were joined by Wonder Girl. The original comics weren't received positively and got canceled multiple times before gaining popularity.
Robin trained under Batman before forming Teen Titans
The first incarnation of Robin appeared in DC comics in 1940 as Dick Grayson. The creators, Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson felt a need to give their primary hero Batman a sidekick and took inspiration from Robin Hood.
In the comics, Dick Greyson's parents are murdered by a gangster Boss Zucco. Bruce Wayne takes Dick under his custody and puts him under rigorous training before making him his accomplice.
'Robin - The Boy Wonder', later formed the first Teen Titans group with Walley West, Garth, and Donna Troy. He later decides to get out of Batman's shadow, and with a little advice from none other than Superman, becomes Nightwing.
He also took the role of Batman briefly after Bruce Wayne's supposed death with Damian Wayne as his Robin.
More than one Robin has led the Teen Titans
Dick Greyson might have been the original, but he wasn't the only Robin to lead Teen Titans. After Dick, Batman took Jason Todd under his wings, when he was trying to steal tires from the Batmobile.
Jason as Robin, took Dick's place in Teen Titans briefly, but was eventually killed by the Joker in 'A Death in the Family'. He later returned as Red Hood and formed The Outlaws.
After Jason came Tim Drake as the third Robin in the 1989 issue called A Lonely Place of Dying. Tim reformed Teen Titans and served as its leader till the events of Batman R.I.P. Tim's girlfriend wore the costume briefly upon his resignation but was shortly fired by Batman.
Finally, the position of Robin was filled by Damian Wayne, the violent son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Trained by the League of Assassins, Damian was born to fight alongside his dad and lead the Titans one day.
Teen Titans aren't teenagers anymore
The Teen Titans were considered the junior version of the Justice League for obvious reasons. But after the New Teen Titans comic series, which tackled much more relevant issues, the sidekicks started to shine out of the shadows.
This edition added new key members such as Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and Beastboy. This is the most recognizable Teen Titan group globally, due to the popular animated version that was created in the early 2000s.
The comic book universe does not follow the simplistic continuity of our own, making their age identification a tricky job, especially when a series deals with multiverses and alternate realities. The teens of Teen Titans also grow up in some of those realities.
Dick Greyson becomes Nightwing, Jason Todd becomes Redhood, Cyborg joins Justice League, and Donna Troy gets married. In the Netflix series Titans, many of the key characters are in their twenties and living a more responsible adult life with day jobs and families. But when the crisis calls, our heroes are always there to answer.