The Circle Season 5 finale dropped on Netflix on January 18. It showcased 34-year-old make-up artist Sam Carmona, who won the grand prize of $100,000, while her game partner Chaz Lawery came second. After being declared the winner, Carmona broke down and stated that she would use the money to better care of her mother and grandmother.
Carmona said that her grandmother has asthma and lives on the 14th floor. Whenever the elevator breaks, she has to postpone plans and wait till it's fixed. The game show winner plans to move her family to a better accommodation with better accessibility.
Carmona said that her mother's undying faith in her winning The Circle Season 5 was highly motivated throughout the journey. The story of resolve and victory moved other cast members, who clapped in support of the winner.
Raven Sutton came third, while Tamira (Tasia Lesley in real life) placed fourth. Jennifer, played by Xanthi and Brett, surprised everyone by coming fifth.
More details about The Circle winner Sam Carmona
Carmona revealed that she felt blessed to win The Circle Season 5 and that it would take her some time to process the news. She was also very happy to see her game partner and to know he was real.
At the finale's start, Carmona was nervous about being blocked on the last day and said others tried to block her on the first day. This led her to better strategize her way to the finale. She was hiding in the kitchen cabinets when it was announced that the secret super-influencer, Chaz, would block a contestant. But she was relieved to find out that it was not her.
Carmona did not quit making realistic jokes and announced in the group chat that she would shave her legs before meeting others. She voted for Chaz to be the winner and ensured she looked good before leaving the room.
She also received the news of Chaz's real-life engagement well. Carmona even laughed when it was revealed that she made a ring for herself in her room.
What did Sam say about her gameplay in The Circle?
Carmona greeted all the players wholeheartedly and said that she adored everyone. She also said she played the game with good conscience and did not vote for anyone out of malice. Carmona initially thought that Chaz would win the game and said that she would like to stay together outside the game.
Chaz helped Sam realize that she did deserve to win the game despite him being voted 'an influencer' four times. Sam won in the rankings only once in episode 10.
Who is Sam Carmona?
Freelance make-up artist Sam Carmona is from Brooklyn and is popular for making videos on TikTok. She currently lives in New York and has more than 79k Instagram followers.
All episodes of The Circle Season 5 are now available on Netflix.