Tom Smothers, the beloved American actor and comedian, passed away at the age of 86 on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. He was one half of the famous Smothers Brothers comedy duo. The comedian died at his home in Santa Rosa, California and his passing was announced by his family and the National Comedy Center on Wednesday.
As per the New York Times, a spokesperson for the family confirmed that Smothers died after "a recent battle with cancer."
The Smothers brothers were greatly popular in the late 1960s and 70s. His brother, Dick Smothers, the other half of the duo, said in a statement:
"Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner. I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, on and off stage, for over 60 years. Our relationship was like a good marriage — the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”'
Who was Tom Smothers?
Tom Smothers was born on February 2, 1937, a year before his brother Dick, and the pair grew up in California and began performing after attending San Jose State University. He was the son of homemaker Ruth Remick Smothers and Army Major Thomas Smothers, who died in World War II as a prisoner of war of the Japanese.
The comedian was best known as half of the musical comedy duo, the Smothers Brothers. He also appeared in various movies, including Get to Know Your Rabbit, Pandemonium, Sing Your Song, The Informant, and more.
Dick and Tom Smothers also played acoustic guitar during the recording of John Lennon's 1969 song, Give Peace a Chance.
The Smothers Brothers never shied away from using their platform to question authority, which was unprecedented in the 1960s media. The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, a show centered on Tom Smothers and his brother, debuted in the fall of 1967. Despite the success of the show, they were fired in April 1969, when CBS famously pulled the plug on the same.
The reason for dismissal was that their content consistently poked fun at the Vietnam War. Tom Smothers once said on their show:
"The right for us not to allow even to give our viewpoints to other people who are interested in hearing it is contrary, I think, to the principle of our country and to the principle that makes the world go round."
As per CNN, in 2019 the comedy duo was at an event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their firing and had a humorous take on the situation, as always. Tom told the Associated Press at the time.
“It’s really an honor to be honored in this way. At least we’re both alive and not having someone speak for us. We can mumble our own way through.”
In later years, when Tom Smothers was not participating in music or comedy, he was crushing grapes in the Sonoma Valley at his Remick Ridge Vineyards, named after his mother.
Tom is survived by his wife, Marcy Carriker Smothers, and their two children, Bo and Riley Rose Smothers. He also left behind his brother, a grandson named Phoenix, and his sister-in-law Marie Smothers, according to CBS.