Produced by Annapurna Pictures, Netflix’s critically acclaimed sci-fi animated movie Nimona was released in the US on June 30, 2023. The movie is set in the Middle Ages and reimagines a science fantasy world of kings and kingdoms. The common people are protected by the Institute of Elite Knights, which the legendary Gloreth established. The kingdom is protected from a ‘Great Black Monster’ via a wall that encloses the kingdom.
Regardless, the story revolves around Nimona, the titular protagonist, and Ballister Boldheart, a knight on the brink of being honored. However, the latter is eventually accused of murdering the Queen and ends up going on the run.
Nimona, on the other hand, decides to defend Boldheart, which opens up a rabbit hole of controversies and uncovers a plot that involves the director of the Elite Institute of Knights. His crimes are eventually exposed, as she concludes her life with a fitting sacrifice to give the kingdom a better future.
The sci-fi adventure received an IMDB rating of 7.5 and is a must-watch, especially for fans of animated or the sci-fi genre. While earlier, viewers needed a Netflix subscription to watch the movie, it can now be watched for free on YouTube.
Nimona uploaded by Netflix on YouTube
On February 19, 2024, Netflix decided to upload the entire movie to their YouTube channel. This means that while fans previously needed a subscription to watch the movie, it is now available for free on YouTube.
With the movie receiving an incredibly positive reception, fans will be delighted with Netflix following a similar trend for a range of its animated offerings. In the movie, Nimona's powers revolve around shape-shifting and are later revealed to result from the constant trauma that she had to undergo. Persecuted for her abilities, she is revealed to be a result of experiments by the Elite Institute of Knight’s Director.
Regardless, the movie ends with the protagonist transforming into a phoenix and protecting the kingdom against the Director. The Director, towards the end, decides to fire a cannon, which is set to kill hundreds of civilians. Transformed into a phoenix, she stops the explosion, which results in her and the Director’s death. The explosion also destroys part of the wall, revealing a beautiful valley beyond.
Hence, she is single-handedly able to end the Director’s regime and change the lives of the people in the kingdom. Fearful of the ‘black monster’ for an eternity, they realize that the wall, rather than for protection, was effectively constructed to imprison them.
Nimona’s sacrifice changes the social system, and the impressive reception is also partly down to the cast's talents. It included Chloë Grace Moretz as the titular protagonist and Riz Ahmed as Ballister. They were both praised for the way they brought their complex characters to life on-screen.
With Nimona now available for free on YouTube, fans will be itching to check it off their bucket list as soon as possible.