Hulu has released a documentary on Travis Scott’s highly controversial Astroworld concert, which reportedly claimed ten lives, including two under 18. The documentary was titled, Astroworld: Concert From Hell, which featured news clippings of the November 5 concert in Houston.
The Astroworld documentary includes interviews of some attendees who narrated the chaos, which led to a stampede and injured over 300 concert-goers.
The official synopsis of the Concert From Hell reads,
“Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival was supposed to be the concert of a lifetime. But it turned into a tragic nightmare. A minute-by-minute look at what happened in the crowd, the young victims who were killed, and what happens next.”
What does Astroworld: Concert From Hell feature?
Hulu’s documentary was based on a 50-minutes featurette from ABC 13 News of the same name. While Hulu removed the content from its platform after receiving severe flack, ABC 13’s website still hosts the video.
This explains how Hulu created the documentary faster than typical in-house produced ones. Astroworld: Concert From Hell was simply an ABC13 content, which their division of KTRK-TV produced, as per the credits.
According to ABC 13, the documentary explores,
“What really happened - from chaos at the gates hours before the music started, to what went wrong in the crowd as the night went on, and the ten victims who never made it home. Plus what happens next in the growing investigation.”
Here’s how people reacted to Hulu’s re-distribution of ABC 13’s Astroworld: Concert from Hell documentary
Several followers presumed that the documentary was Hulu’s original content and thus, were surprised to see it so soon after the tragedy. Some even complained about the lack of proven facts regarding the concert, which is still under investigation.
Almost every reaction to the content, which got quickly taken down, called out Hulu for releasing the documentary. Multiple tweets claimed that the streaming service dropping the documentary this early was in poor taste.
The Concert From Hell documentary has since been removed by Hulu. While the title page is still showing to some users, the content showcases an error while playing.