This year’s Hunter's Moon will appear on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The special moon precedes winter and is traditionally celebrated with hunting expeditions, considering people can store food and items in preparation for the upcoming chilly weather. Many claim that one will experience spiritual, physical, and mental change during this time.
This year, people will observe a reddish and dim Hunter Moon. Scientifically, the red light from the moon indicates a change in season (that would be from the harvest season to the onset of the hunting season). However, this special occurrence has a significant spiritual meaning as well.
Angelical Balance claims that the red light from Hunter's Moon is perfect for showing one the way during the hunting season.
The spiritual meaning of Hunter's Moon explained
Although the reddish moon shines brightly in the sky, it is incomparable to the bright white moon. Due to this, it might be tougher to view compared to the light of the white moon. Spiritually, this would signify one using their inner eyes. One may be making the wrong decision as our inner eyes do not comprehend the situation correctly. The Hunter's Moon allows one to clear their inner eye for enhanced light.
It will also encourage one to reflect on the past so that the person can avoid making the same mistakes again in the present and future.
The special moon also prepares for a change. This is due to a shift in season, indicating that winter is coming. Along with the moon preparing one for a change, it also indicates growth and that one is making progress. To add, the Hunter's Moon reveals that only those with courage will succeed in life. Sources claim that one must meditate during the special moon to boost one’s courage and confidence to prosper.
This particular time also entails that one can plant trees in the winter season. This would indicate the work one is putting in during the winter season will give an outcome that will last a long time.
This short duration also allows one’s spiritual senses to be heightened. One must be correctly positioned to grasp these messages and signals.
The moon also brings good luck in several aspects of one’s life. Alongside, it also indicates a season of abundance.
For those unaware, the Hunter's Moon is referred to as the moon of love. The red hue and cool ambiance helps couples show affection and care for one another. For single people, the change in the moon can also indicate that their love life is taking a dramatic shift. It is believed that sitting under this moon with one’s partner will increase the intensity of love and care between the two.
How to make the most out of the October Moon
For one to reap the benefits of this special time, they must take part in certain rituals and manifestation practices.
If someone wishes to manifest love through the Hunter's Moon, they must think about the person and them holding hands with each other. For emotional healing, one must sit under the moon and meditate with positive self-affirmations.
Other activities like praying and journaling will also strengthen one’s manifestation during this special time.