The latest episode of Love Island USA Season 4 was a special installment as it aired on Monday. The show generally streams from Tuesday through Sunday, but it aired a Casa Amor special on August 8, 2022, on Peacock.
The episode started from where the previous one ended. Eight contestants were in the bottom zone, and the islanders who were safe had to dump one male and one female contestant, respectively. Viewers previously guessed that Chazz would be the one to leave the villa because he sent Sereniti home and further questioned the ladies for sending his sister Bria home. However, the girls decided to save him in the latest episode and dump Bryce.
The decision shocked fans as they didn't expect the latter to leave before Chazz. While Love Island USA's female islanders dumped Bryce, the boys didn't get a chance to choose as Mady decided to vote herself out.
Here's how Love Island USA fans reacted to female islanders' decision
Love Island USA fans were disappointed with the show's ladies as they chose Chazz over Bryce. Fans called it the "dumbest decision."
The islanders in the bottom zone were Courtney, Nadjha, Kat, Mady, Jesse, Chazz, Jared, and Bryce. The participants in the safe zone had to choose two names (one male and one female) who would be eliminated from the show. The girls sent Bryce home, while Mady took things into her own hands and decided to leave the show.
While fans were expecting Mady to go home soon, they were surprised to see Bryce leaving instead of Chazz. Take a look at fans' reactions to female islanders' decision:
Bryce's journey on Love Island USA Season 4
Bryce, along with Jeff, was one of the new bombshells who arrived last week at the villa. At the time, Courtney was coupled with Felipe, but Bryce's arrival led to the latter's exit. Interestingly, fans found that both the boys' looked alike.
Although Courtney was initially happy with her decision, the pair didn't seem to hit it off. In the previous episode, she confronted Bryce about their chemistry and how he lacked passion.
The 30-year-old LA native was annoyed with the accusations, especially due to Zeta's presence, who was apparently there to keep Courtney calm. She said she's a passionate person and would want to be with someone on the same level. Bryce tried to make her understand that he didn't lack passion and noticed something was different between them, so he would like to fix it.
In a confessional, he said:
“I didn’t really see it coming, but I also tried not to be defensive or be you know uhmm judgmental. And kinda just be accepting of her feelings, cuz this is the first time there’s ever been any sort of issue like with her and I.”
Bryce was dumped on the August 8 episode of Love Island USA 2022, leaving Courtney single again. She can now explore her options in the Casa Amor segment. Six new boys and girls, respectively, have arrived in the villa.
Along with Bryce, Mady also left the show. However, her exit was her own decision, as she was earlier seen breaking down due to the show's format. Mady was coupled up with Andy, who was sent home last week. She partnered with Jared but couldn't open her heart to him. Therefore, she decided to leave.
Meanwhile, viewers can catch a new episode of Love Island USA Season 4 on Peacock at 9.00 PM ET from Tuesday through Sunday.