A new episode of Big Brother season 25 aired recently on CBS in which one houseguest won the veto competition and decided if they wanted to use it. To give a summarize what went on Big Brother season 25 episode 18, which was released on September 13, 2023, here's a brief synopsis:
"The houseguests compete to win the power of veto; during the veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same or save someone from eviction for the week."
Cameron Hardin was the HOH in week 6 of Big Brother season 25. He nominated Felicia Cannon and Izzy Gleicher for the elimination that is scheduled for episode 19, which will air on September 14, 2023. In episode 18 of the show, Jared won the veto power and decided not to save any contestants from nomination.
By using the veto power, the winner could either save one contestant from nomination for elimination or not use it at all. After this decision, Felicia Cannon and Izzy Gleicher approached the cast to find out what their perspective was and who they would vote for in the upcoming elimination.
The live feed showed Felicia threatening Cirie with a fork to determine her stand, which Felicia mentioned as follows:
"Be straight with me b*tch or I'm gonna fork you up."
The current cast on the show includes America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Jared Fields, Matt Klotz, Mecole Hayes, and Cirie Fields.
Cameron's master plan supposedly failed in the recent episode of Big Brother season 25
Once Cameron became the Head of Household, it was a hectic process to decide who to nominate. Except for Bowie Jane, all other houseguests went against him. Interestingly, this was his second time winning the HOH title, which made him one of the toughest competitors on the show.
Prior to this, he had won week 4's Pressure Cooker challenge and was crowned HOH. To make the nomination decision, Cameron talked to cast members to find out their opinions. After Cirie and Jared assured him that they were on his side, he chose Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon for nomination.
However, Big Brother season 25's Cameron was targeting someone else, Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon, while taking the name. A major part of his plan was to either send one of the nominated contestants home or, if any are saved, nominate Cirie. Ultimately, he wanted to break Cirie's alliance by nominating a member of her group.
After Jared won the veto power, Cameron asked him to save one contestant from nominations and put Cirie in that position. Cameron did not know that Cirie was Jared's mother. Despite the fact that one contestant would go home, between Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon, Cameron's main target, Cirie, was still safe since Jared elected not to save anyone from the nomination.
In the latest episode of Big Brother season 25, Cameron expressed his disappointment that the plan didn't succeed. However, he still enjoyed the news that one of Cirie's group members would go home.
The next episode of Big Brother season 25 will air on September 14, 2023. As part of this episode, there will be a voting ceremony. Additionally, it will feature the remaining houseguest competition for the title of HOH.
On each Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, viewers can catch the latest episode of Big Brother season 25 on CBS.