The Bachelorette Season 19 aired the first installment of the two-part event ahead of the finale on Monday, September 5, 2022, at 8.00 pm ET on ABC. The two-hour episode saw the leads, Gabby Windey and Rachel Rechhia, go on fantasy suite dates with their respective suitors.
Viewers were fed adequate drama in the episode as suitors questioned their connections with Gabby and Rachel in the absence of the two leads. Since the beginning of the episode, Tino was skeptical of his connection with Rachel as he was aware that she was on a date with another suitor. Subsequently, he just spiraled throughout the episode.
Although he confessed his love for Rachel and she reciprocated the same, fans refused to believe the suitor. One fan tweeted:
Tino addresses his concerns on this week's episode of The Bachelorette
While talking to host Jesse Palmer, Tino revealed that waiting for his date card for the fantasy suite was like "nails on the chalkboard." The suitor further confessed that he was riddled with anxiety while thinking about Rachel's date with others. He said:
"Its trying my patience beyond anything..I could've, like, ever imagined, and it's not gonna make sense to anybody who, you know, like, I explain this to later on. Like, how much I struggled this week."
However, The Bachelorette suitor confessed that Rachel made his journey worth it and he was going to see it through. While discussing the hometowns with Jesse, Tino explained that his parents asked her some tough questions and Rachel felt like his father didn't like her.
Tino confessed that he was in love with Rachel since their time in Bruges which made it difficult for him to think of her being with another suitor. In a confessional, he said:
"It's really, really hard to think about her being on an overnight. You know, it's hard to be patient and wait, like, whats going on while you're waiting..It's gutting to even think about. It's mind-boggling to me if, like, she's not sure at this point. I certainly don't need to sleep with anybody else."
During their date, The Bachelorette lead addressed her concerns with Tino and confessed that she felt like his parents weren't very appreciative of the format. However, Tino tried to calm her. In a confessional, he said:
"Rachel looks nervous. I don't know why. I mean, it could be about my hometowns. It could be about like, my parents asking her some pretty penetrating questions. I hope its not about that."
Fans react to Tino's concerns with Rachel on The Bachelorette
Although Tino assured Rachel that his parents would come around and accept the relationship, following which the duo confessed their love for each other, fans weren't impressed with the suitor's attitude.
Check out what they have to say.
Season 19 of The Bachelorette has been extremely popular, primarily because of the complicated format that has left viewers with mixed emotions. While some felt that the concept of having two bachelorettes wasn't relatable, others have loved the friendship between the two women.
Will the ladies find love? Find out in a brand-new second episode on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 8.00 pm ET on ABC.