Australian rapper Iggy Azalea recently released a new single, "Sip It," which she's claiming YouTube is unfairly holding back from being recommended to viewers.
The claims come after she apparently received the all-clear from YouTube staff a week prior to the video going live. Pulling a 180 on its judgment, YouTube took the video down from the trending and recommended tab owing to "the content of the video."
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Iggy Azalea claims unfair treatment after YouTube refuses to feature her song on recommended or trending
After initially tweeting about the situation, Iggy Azalea went into further detail as to why she thinks the move makes no sense.
"It’s definitely picked based on what’s got organic numbers spiking. But it is still manually selected. They added in videos with far less traffic and when I asked why, they told me they have to “review the content in the video because it may be too controversial for trending.”
Since Iggy Azalea's split with her record label "Island Records," she has gone independent in terms of her publishing. She does not have the backing or influence that a large record label would be able to provide anymore.
The removal of her music from recommended could prove to be quite harmful for her career. Platforms like YouTube are imperative for promoting music.
That being said, Iggy Azalea's fans have been working hard to get her video out there and have already cemented 3 million-plus views within three days of uploading.
The YouTube team has not issued a public statement regarding Iggy Azalea's claims so far.
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