Cameron and Kristen Westfall, a brother-sister duo from Tyler County, are currently serving their respective sentences at the James “Jay” H. Byrd Jr. Correctional Facility in Huntsville and the William P. Hobby Unit in Falls County for their roles in the January 2014 shooting deaths of Nathan and Krystal Maddox.
The two, along with their parents Paul and Letha Westfall, were behind the couple over a prolonged custody battle for Nathan and Kristen's 5-year-old daughter Madison. It was alleged that Kristen planned the murder and was responsible for opening fire on the couple with the help of her father. Cameron later disposed of the murder weapons in a local pond.
Cameron accepted a plea deal and agreed to testify against his family, while Kristen went to trial and was found guilty on multiple charges, including first-degree murder. The former was given a moderate sentence of 10 years as part of a plea bargain on two counts of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, and the latter was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Kristen Westfall orchestrated the plan to get rid of her ex-husband because of a disputed custody battle
All four members of the Tyler County-based Westfall family, including Cameron and Kristen Westfall and their parents, Paul and Letha, were charged in connection with the killings of Kristen's ex-husband, Nathan Maddox, and his wife at the time, Krystal, outside the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. The incident took place over a disputed custody battle for the former couple's young daughter.
Kristen Westfall and Nathan Maddox's divorce was riddled with disputes over their daughter's custody. Due to Kristen's meth addiction, the little girl's legal guardians were her parents. But Nathan desired sole custody of young Madison, which ultimately led to Kristen coming up with the original plan to permanently remove him from the way.
In May 2017, Cameron pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of tampering with physical evidence after agreeing to testify against his sister in court and additionally because he pointed authorities in the direction where he disposed of the claimed murder weapons - in a pond on or near the Westfall property in Colmesneil.
Cameron was given a light sentence of 10 years in prison in exchange for his cooperation and a plea agreement on two charges of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, which required him to testify against his family in the event of a trial. Kristen went on trial, and a jury took eight hours to also find her guilty of capital murder because of the overwhelming evidence against her.
Before her father, Paul, pleaded guilty and received the same punishment in May 2017, Kristen Westfall was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Letha Westfall also entered a guilty plea in return for a life sentence, deciding not to stand trial. She will be eligible for parole after serving 30 years in prison.
Where are Cameron and Kristen Westfall now?
Cameron is currently 25 years old and is incarcerated at the James "Jay" H. Byrd Jr. Correctional Facility in Huntsville, Texas, where he will likely stay until his anticipated release in 2024. Regarding Kristen, she is presently serving a 37-year sentence at the William P. Hobby Unit in Falls County, Texas.
Blood Relations premieres on ID and will air an all-new episode on the killings of Nathan and Krystal Maddox by the former's ex-wife, Kristen Westfall, and her family. The episode, titled Blood Bond, airs on Thursday, December 29, ar 8:00 pm ET.