Buckhead Shore, MTV's newest reality TV series, aired with a two-hour premiere on Thursday night. The show didn't shy away from bringing drama right from the get-go. Even though the series just premiered, fans claim to have already found a new favorite. It's none other than Michael "JuJu" Barney, Atlanta's Magic City heir.
The Jersey Shore spin-off series featured a messy and dramatic love triangle between Parker, Savannah and Katie. While fans loved the drama, they enjoyed JuJu's witty remarks, his reaction to finally understanding the meaning of a platonic relationship, and his bogus explanation of what a UTI was.
Viewers couldn't help but laud the Buckhead Shore star for his reactions to the drama between Parker and his women either. Fans who watched the episode couldn't stop gushing about how they are now fans of JuJu.
Fans claim JuJu is a favorite in Buckhead Shore Season 1 premiere
Taking to Twitter, fans claimed that JuJu was funny and that he was a favorite. Some also added that they loved his reactions and his comments during the season premiere of Buckhead Shore.
More details on what happened this week on Buckhead Shore Season premiere
Parker invited some of his close friends to hangout with him at his lakehouse over the summer and it didn't take JuJu long to start flirting with the girls there. During his confessional, he joked that apart from running a strip club with his older brother, he's also the CEO and founder of P Academy aka 'Player school'.
His witty one-liners had viewers cracking up. The ladies stated that maybe everyone should take a shot every time JuJu flirts with one of them in the kitchen. However, what really took the cake was JuJu's reaction to when he learned what a platonic relationship was.
When the producer asked him if he was looking to have a platonic relationship with the ladies, JuJu asked her if 'platonic' meant plural. After finally learning what platonic meant, he said that he wasn't looking for anything platonic.
The next day, Chelsea woke up to a UTI and when asked what it meant, JuJu had the most bogus explanation. The explanation had such an impact that the series had to put out a statement claiming that no one should take the Buckhead Shore star's advice.
During his confessional, JuJu said:
"A UTI is a alphabet that people get when they think they got a STD, but they don't know. So they call it a UTI. But it's called chlamydia or syphillis."
The producer had to come on screen and give JuJu an explanation of what a UTI really meant. Even after that, the Buckhead Shore star stuck to his claim and said that when he learned about it, it didn't come from that. He also told Parker that Chelsea needed to apply some cocoa butter to cure the UTI.
Later in the episode, Savannah showed up and Parker was caught in the middle of a confrontation with her and Katie. That's when JuJu once again caught the attention of viewers with his reactions. He stood in a corner having a popsicile and just enjoying the drama.
With just one episode down, fans cannot wait to see what JuJu brings to the screen next week when the reality TV series returns.
Buckhead Shore airs every Thursday night at 9 pm ET only on MTV. Readers can check local listings for more information.