India Sweets and Spices is the title of the latest comedy-drama featuring Indians abroad. The dramedy is directed and written by Geeta Malik, and stars two well-known personalities from the Indian Film Industry - Manisha Koirala and Adil Hussain.
The movie aims at exploring the lives of people of the Indian diaspora living in a foreign country, a formula that has been tested many times. As is common with the sub-genre, India Sweets and Spices will feature plenty of family infighting with many moments of hilarity and drama.
India Sweets and Spices: Release date, streaming details, cast, and more
When will the movie release and how to get tickets?
India Sweets and Spices released in the US today, i.e., November 19, 2021. The release is exclusive to theatres, and fans can buy tickets from the film's official website.
Apart from the nation-wide release, the movie premiered at Tribeca Film Festival and San Diego Asian Film Festival earlier this year, on June 12 and October 30, respectively.
What are the streaming options are available for India Sweets and Spices?
Unfortunately, there are no OTT or VOD options available for India Sweets and Spices right now. Interested fans will have to pay a visit to the theaters to catch a show of the latest dramedy.
Cast and characters of India Sweets and Spices
The movie stars Sophia Ali as Alia Kapur, who will also be seen in the upcoming action-adventure Uncharted. Rish Shah portrays the role of Varun Dutta opposite Ali. The movie also stars famous Nepalese actress Manisha Koirala as Sheila Kapur, Alia's mother.
Koirala has worked in Bollywood for almost three decades now. Apart from her, India Sweets and Spices also stars critically acclaimed Indian actor Adil Hussain in the role of Ranjit Kapur.
Plot of the highly-anticipated dramedy
India Sweets and Spices revolves around Alia Kapur, who has returned to her posh suburbian home in New Jersey after spending a year at college. Alia's lifestyle has turned upside down since she left her family's well-ordered life to live away from home.
The movie follows her befriending Varun Dutta, inviting his family to her place, and finding a shocking past connection with her parents. The story features various dramatic moments, confrontations, family rifts, and tons of hilarious moments.