Intelligence: A Special Agent Special is an upcoming British-produced TV sitcom special set to premiere on Peacock on May 11, 2023. The special stars David Schwimmer, known for his role in Band of Brothers, as Jerry Bernstein, a pompous NSA agent, and Nick Mohammed as Joseph, his computer analyst sidekick.
Intelligence manages to strike a perfect balance between the gravity of a high-stakes job and the humor of an unlikely duo in charge of the UK's cybersecurity. Since its premiere in 2020, the show has received positive reviews, and fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming special.
Intelligence: A Special Agent Special: The workplace comedy you didn't know you needed
The show takes place at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in the UK, where Jerry and Joseph work to tackle both international and domestic cyber crimes. The comedic duo's unique dynamic has always threatened the team's directive, but they have managed to save the day time and time again, countering the Russians and even preventing a nuclear disaster.
In the new special, titled Intelligence: A Special Agent Special, Jerry and Joseph find themselves tied together hundreds of miles in the air and tasked with saving GCHQ and its reputation. To do so, they must go rogue, much to the chagrin of the rest of the cybersecurity team.
The special episode also boasts a guest appearance from Jennifer Saunders, known for her iconic role in Absolutely Fabulous. She plays the character of Joanna Telfer Fortheringham, the show's antagonist who is determined to bring down the cybersecurity team.
The show's creator, writer, and executive producer is Nick Mohammed, who also plays one of the lead roles in it. The special boasts a talented and diverse cast, featuring actors such as Sylvestra Le Touzel, Jane Stanness, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oliver Birch, Eliot Salt, and Colin Salmon. Additionally, David Schwimmer serves as an executive producer, along with Tom Hodges, Nerys Evans, and Morwenna Gordon.
In an interview with Collider, Mohammed spoke about wanting to expand on the show's characters and touch on several topics within it, including a potential third season and even a feature-length film. To note, fans are excited about the upcoming special, and many are hoping that its success will lead to a Season 3 announcement.
Peacock subscribers can currently stream the first two seasons of Intelligence on the platform, with the new special available for streaming starting May 11. The trailer for the special promises more of the show's signature wit and humor, along with high stakes and new challenges for Jerry and Joseph.
In addition to its comedic value, Intelligence has also been praised for its ability to address real-world issues, such as the importance of cybersecurity in the modern age. Its unique perspective on the topic has made it a hit with audiences and critics alike, and the upcoming special promises to be no different.
Intelligence: A Special Agent Special is an exciting new addition to Peacock's original content lineup
Overall, Intelligence: A Special Agent Special is a highly anticipated one-off special that is sure to satisfy fans and newcomers alike. With its clever writing, talented cast, and high-stakes plot, the special is bound to be a hit with viewers when it premieres on Peacock on May 11.
In conclusion, A Special Agent Special promises to be an exciting addition to the Intelligence series, with a unique plot that puts Jerry and Joseph in their most challenging situation yet. With the addition of Jennifer Saunders as an antagonist, the special is sure to be full of laughs, suspense, and surprises.