Netflix's The Gentlemen debuted on the streaming service on March 7, 2024, with eight episodes. Created by Guy Ritchie, The Gentlemen is based on his 2019 film of the same name.
The 2019 film follows Michael "Mickey" Pearson (Matthew McConaughey), who runs one of the largest marijuana empires in the UK by growing them under the estates of aristocratic landlords. Set in the same universe as the film, the Netflix series follows suit by showing a huge cannabis farm under the estate of Eddie Horniman (Theo James).
The show reveals that the sprawling cannabis empire is owned and run by the drug kingpin Bobby Glass (Ray Winstone). The series shows two major druglords: Stanley Johnstone (Giancarlo Esposito) and John 'The Gospel' Dixon (Pearce Quigley). However, it is Bobby Glass who reigns supreme.
This article will explore how Bobby Glass stands out as the drug kingpin in the newly released The Gentlemen series.
Disclaimer: This article contains significant spoilers for The Gentlemen on Netflix.
Bobby Glass pulls major strings to show that he is the ultimate drug kingpin in The Gentlemen

The Gentlemen on Netflix follows Eddie Horniman as he learns he inherited his late father's sprawling estate in the English countryside. Within the first episode, it is revealed that the estate houses a large cannabis growing operation underneath, an operation agreed to by his father.
The operation is run by Susie Glass (Kaya Scodelario), Bobby Glass's daughter. The show centers on Eddie's ascent to gangster status, but it also draws comparisons between Susie and Bobby's relationship. Bobby seems to be testing his daughter at first, but as the show goes on, it becomes clear that their relationship is more than just business.
He understands that since his company has gained prominence in the criminal community, vultures will soon start circling. Bobby appears to already be aware of the identities of these vultures before anyone else. To be more precise, Johnston, also known as "The American," who loves all things fancy, merely wants to purchase Eddie's estate to take over Bobby's business.
Bobby devises a crafty scheme, assigning Eddie and his daughter Susie to handle the grunt work so they may handle his company once he is long gone. Bobby understands that Susie's emotionality requires an antidote, and Eddie's military intelligence provides it. Bobby is adept at using this and recognizes Eddie's gangster side long before Eddie does. Bobby is positive Eddie will make the ideal scapegoat for his next scheme.
This scheme is made very clear in the concluding episode when Eddie eliminates the opposition to the cannabis empire without recognizing that this is precisely what Bobby hoped to happen.
Bobby played Eddie all along, telling him he would help the young Duke leave the cannabis business if Eddie could help sell it to the highest bidder. Bobby is aware that Eddie will eventually give up and acquire the entire company, as he does.
Bobby essentially receives the largest investment his empire could ask for. Since it remains in the family—after all (Susie and Eddie become partners in the business), he keeps running the business. Retirement is not in the cards; this is all a fictitious pretext for the ideal business arrangement played by the drug kingpin.
Stream all episodes of The Gentlemen on Netflix.