The animated film, Headspace, hit screens in South Africa on September 15, 2023, blowing everyone away with its epic story and mind-blowing animation. Known around the world as Космоголовий, this masterpiece from South Africa is making a name for itself globally, showcasing its creative talent to audiences everywhere.
Produced by Luma Animation Studios and the renowned Ergo company, this animated film is a collaborative effort that blends technical excellence with creative prowess.
The film is all about the imagination of a 16-year-old boy. It's a great example of South African talent when it comes to animated storytelling.
Is Headspace a South African movie?
Yes, Headspace is a South African film, made by the teams at Luma Animation and The Ergo Company.
This movie has got the support and backing of the South African Industrial Development Corporation and the Department of Trade and Industry and Competition, positioning it as a groundbreaking creation. It boasts an incredible cast of South Africa's top acting talent, including Bunko Khosa, Zach Henriques, Nelissa Ngcobo, and Chris van Rensburg.
Unraveling the plot of Headspace: A Scooby-doo adventure with a galactic twist
Headspace follows three aliens trapped inside the mind of 16-year-old Norman in a fascinating cosmic story. Their mission is to stop the evil Zorsad, who is traveling through space through wormholes. This magical movie has a storyline that's a lot like the beloved Scooby-Doo adventures.
It draws viewers into the lives of a fun group of young people who randomly come across a bunch of sketchy and dangerous adults. They work together to overcome some thrilling and heart-racing obstacles.
This film is a reminder to everyone who sees it about how teamwork and friendship can make a huge difference. It's told in a relatable way that leaves viewers amazed at all the things that can happen when people work together towards a common goal.
The makers of Headspace: A brief overview
The film's directors, Paul Meyer and Gerhard Painter, teamed up with Daniel Buckland and Ronald Henry to write the screenplay.
Dumi Gumbi and Cati Weinek from Ergo produced the film, while Luisa Murray played a crucial role as the executive producer, adding her vision to its development.
The crew also includes Associate Creative Director Richard Gray, Senior Producer Amy Russo, CG Supervisor Alex Dingfelder, Art Director Mark Kulakoff, 3D Animation Director Alessandro Ceglia, CG Lead Wing Sze Lee, and 2D Animation Lead Juan Ricardo Hernandez.
Inspired by movies like Innerspace, Independence Day, and The Faculty, this team has made a cinematic experience that broke regional barriers and put South African talent in the spotlight on a worldwide scale.
Headspace is available for streaming on Prime Video.