Home Team, an upcoming sports comedy written by Keith Blum and Chris Titone and directed by Daniel and Charles Kinnane, is all set to premiere on January 28, 2022 on Netflix. The movie will star the critically acclaimed The King of Queens' lead Kevin James alongside notable actors such as Taylor Lautner, Jackie Sandler, Rob Schneider, and others.
As reported, the movie is primarily inspired by the real-life story of Sean Payton, the head coach of the American football team New Orleans Saints. The sports comedy is produced by Happy Maddison Productions by Adam Sandler and Hey Eddie Productions by James.
While underdog movies have always been one of the audience favorites, the anticipation for this upcoming movie has been downright high among viewers since Netflix launched its trailer.
The trailer for 'Home Team'
Without further delay, let's find out how the trailer for the upcoming sports comedy starring Kevin James looks.
Humorously uplifting
From the look of the trailer, it is quite evident that this movie has chosen a jolly way of telling a real-life underdog story. Actor Kevin James, who is portraying the lead role of Sean Payton, is seen motivating and training his son's football team after getting suspended from the NFL.
Essentially a comedy, the trailer for Home Team, however, leaves prominent traces of hopefulness and motivation. It's just a few days until the audience gets to see how the movie, gleaned from a real-life story, unfolds.
What is the real-life story of Sean Payton?
Since 2006, Sean Payton has been the head coach of the American football team, New Orleans Saints. In 2009, he guided the team to its first-ever Super Bowl, where they took the trophy home. He remains the head coach for the team even today. However, he was suspended for the whole season of 2012 because of his engagement in the “Bountygate” scandal.
After the New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl, it was revealed that some of the staff of the football team tendered bounty payments in an arrangement that would bounty the players for injuries and hits on their opponents that removed them from the match.
In a receding investigation, the NFL recognized the leader of the scheme as Gregg Williams, the defensive coordinator who was then suspended for a year. Head coach Sean Payton was suspended without pay for the 2012 season for failing to stop those illegal transactions. He was also accused of denying the arrangement existed and trying to back up his false denials.
Free from all professional obligations, in 2012 Sean Payton decided to spend time with his children, and therefore, went down to the Dallas area. There, he eventually became the offensive coordinator for the middle-school football team where his son played.
Apart from Kevin James, the other cast members of the Home Team entail Taylor Lautner, who will be playing the role of coach Troy Lambert, based on the real-life coach of the middle-school football team, Brennan Hardy, and Jackie Sandler, who will be playing the role of Beth, Sean's real-life ex-wife.
Don't forget to watch Home Team premiering on January 28, 2022 exclusively on Netflix.