After becoming a global name with his portrayal of Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, Tom Holland is all set to return with a new and challenging role in The Crowded Room, Apple TV+'s upcoming thriller miniseries. Created by Akiva Goldsman, this series will trace the investigation of a shocking crime in 1979 Manhattan.
Tom Holland is set to play Danny Sullivan, the main convict arrested for a New York City shooting in 1979. Set for release on June 9, 2023, the series will follow the unfolding of Sullivan's life through a series of interviews conducted by Rya Goodwin (played by Amanda Seyfried).
Additionally, The Crowded Room will star big names like Emmy Rossum, Will Chase, Sasha Lane, Zachary Golinger, Christopher Abbott, and Emma Laird, among others.
One of the questions that remains persistent in The Crowded Room is whether it was based on real-life events. Though not historically accurate to the core, the series is inspired by real events. It is loosely based on the book The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes. Tom Holland's character is also inspired by real-life convict Billy Milligan, who was once the subject of a highly publicized court case.
Who was Billy Milligan, and what did he do?
William Stanley Milligan, also known as the Campus Rap*st, was an American convict who was the subject of a highly publicized court case in Ohio in the late 1970s. He was arrested for r*pe and armed robbery in 1975 after committing several felonies.
According to sources, Milligan was released on parole in early 1977, but soon, he was allegedly arrested again for r*ping three women on the Ohio State University campus, which gave him the infamous nickname. He was arrested and charged with three counts of kidnapping, three counts of aggravated robbery, and four counts of r*pe.
During his tenure before the trial, his psychology test revealed that Milligan had acute schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. His lawyers pleaded insanity, making it the first case to plead insanity with DID. After spending a decade in psychiatric care, Milligan was released in 1988 and died of cancer in 2014.
More about The Crowded Room
Though The Crowded Room is not based on the crimes of Billy Milligan, the show has taken inspiration from a novel Daniel Keyes wrote about him.
The synopsis for the show reads:
"A psychological thriller set in Manhattan in the summer of 1979, when a young man is arrested for a shocking crime—and an unlikely investigator must solve the mystery behind it."
The Crowded Room has been in development for quite some time. It was originally announced in 2021. This series is slated for an anthology format, with the following seasons focusing on other criminals or crimes.
The show will have ten episodes, with the first three slated for release on June 9, 2023. All the episodes will be available exclusively on Apple TV+. Akiva Goldsman also served as the writer for all the episodes in the season.
More details about The Crowded Room will soon be available. Stay tuned for updates.