ABC has launched a teaser for its upcoming miniseries, Women of the Movement, which is based on Emmett Till's murder case in 1995. The show focuses on Till's mother Mamie Till-Mobley, who demanded justice for her child and became an activist which resulted in her leading the civil rights movement.
On the 65th death anniversary of Emmett Till, ABC decided to commence the project with lead writer Marissa Jo Cerar, who started writing the episodes for the series.
The president of ABC Entertainment, Karey Burke, spoke to Deadline and said:
"We are honored to be bringing their story which involves inconceivable heartbreak and brutality but also the enduring love of a mother and her son, galvanizing a movement that carved the path for today's racial justice movement."
'Women of the Movement' is based on a true story
The ABC miniseries depicts the life and death of 14-year-old boy Emmett Till. It is based on a book by Devery S Anderson called Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement.
The incident happened in 1955, when Till went to Mississippi to meet his relatives. He was falsely accused of offending a white woman in a grocery store and lynched to death by two people, Roy Byrant and J.W. Milam. Till's murder came as a shock and many people were outraged by the degree of violence inflicted on people of African-American descent.
During the funeral, Till's mother Mamie Till-Mobley decided to keep the casket containing the dead body to remain open as she wanted people to see how brutally her son was killed. She soon became an activist in the civil rights movement, advocating for justice for her son.
Watch the behind the scenes of the miniseries below.
ABC's Women of the Movement will premiere on Thursday, Jan 6, 2022.