It Lives Inside, a supernatural horror movie directed by Bishal Dutta and released on September 22, 2023, takes audiences on a journey through the life of Samidha, who finds herself consumed by the malevolent presence known as the Pishach—a force that feeds off negativity. The movie raises concerns about Samidha's destiny as the Pishach holds sway over her thoughts and behaviors.
The official synopsis of It Lives Inside as per IMDb, reads:
"An Indian-American teenager struggling with her cultural identity has a falling out with her former best friend and, in the process, unwittingly releases a demonic entity that grows stronger by feeding on her loneliness."
As the movie concluded with a resounding impact, the fate of both Samidha and the Pishach remained uncertain, leaving fans in anticipation. The ending hinted at a potential continuation, with the surviving Pishach possibly seeking revenge against Samidha, who had trapped it in a bottle. This unresolved conflict creates an exciting opportunity to steer the movie in a more eerie direction.
It Lives Inside ending explained: Was the Pishach contained in the vessel at the end?
The finale of It Lives Inside weaves together emotions, unresolved storylines, and lingering mysteries that leave fans of the horror genre yearning for more. The movie centers around Samidha, an Indian American teenage girl grappling with her Indian heritage, who finds herself tormented and poked by a malevolent entity known as the Pishach in Indian Mythology as the story unfolds.
The movie takes a twisting turn when the evil spirit, Pishach possesses Samidha and finally gains control over her soul and body leaving her fate uncertain. The film showcased that evil needs a vessel in order to be stored preventing the entity from breaking free and possessing bodies as it cannot be contained easily.
However, the story takes a disturbing turn as the Pishach finds his new vessel inside Samidha's body making her unconscious of her existence and controlling her thoughts and actions. The relationship dynamics between Sam and her mother, Poorna, play a crucial role in the story.
To deter the Pishach, Poorna applies Henna on Samidha's hand. However, when the monster turns towards her father, Samidha decides to confront it herself. She seeks refuge at Karan's place to protect her friend Tamira who is targeted by the Pishach next. The malevolence of this entity not only presents itself externally but also starts eroding Sam's own determination from within, posing a threat to those she holds dear.
The movie, It Lives Inside culminates with showcasing her struggling life after one year, it is depicted that Samidha who is possessed by the demon is seen eating flesh and meat in order to pacify the evil resting inside her. While the movie ends with a glimpse that Samidha's life is back on track however the reality is a contrast to her ongoing struggle inside where she has become a host for the Pishach.
Will the journey to detach from the evil spirit spark a hint for a sequel?
Ever since the Horror movie, It Lives Inside ended in a somber and disturbing tone regarding the looming uncertainty of Samidha's fate, viewers are left with several unanswered questions leading to probable speculations and theories about the movie's characters. One of the burning questions is: Will Samidha forge a way to break free from the evil spirit contained inside her?
Will there be an introduction of a new character, helping her detach from the spirit? What lies ahead of Samidha's family, given the manipulative ability of the Pishach will there be any repercussions for harboring the evil inside the home? As of now, there is no official statement from the makers of the film to shoot the sequel and the movie currently stands at its completion.
It Lives Inside was released on September 22, 2023, and is currently streaming in theatres.