VH1 aired episode 6 of Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition season 3, titled Pride Aside And Enjoy The Ride, on Monday, January 2, at 8 pm ET.
In the episode, Karlie revealed that she was planning to leave the tour the day after Spice's birthday and decided to become the "bigger person" by apologizing to Mariahlynn.
Karlie and Mariahlynn got into a heated argument in the previous episode after the former called Mariahlynn "messy" on social media, which led to Karlie "snuck attacking" her.
At Spice's birthday pool party, Karlie, instead of directly approaching Mariahlynn, told the other ladies that she wanted to apologize to them for creating problems while on vacation.
She also showed the other cast members her broken finger, which Mariahlynn thought got injured during another fight and not in their physical altercation. It was only later on that Karlie decided to personally apologize to Mariahlynn, but she refused to accept the apology, as she felt that Karlie was victimizing herself.
Mariahlynn stated that she was the one who was injured and Karlie should not have made it all about herself. The former was also done talking about the incident and asked others to help Karlie pack.
Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition fans agreed with Mariahlynn that Karlie's apology was "not sincere."
Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition fans feel Karlie was victimizing herself
Another cast member, Shekinah, called out Karlie for her fake apology. Mariahlynn decided not to beat herself up over the apology incident and told Karlie not to "play me like a nintendo."
Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition fans praised Mariahlynn for standing up for herself and slammed Karlie for her actions:
What happened on Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition season 3 episode 5?
VH1's description of the episode reads:
"As Phresher continues to hold himself as the bearer of healthy relationships, Jen confronts him with her misgivings on marriage; Chrissy and Mama Jones have a long-overdue conversations; Karlie and Mariahlynn's resolution is outstanding."
Last week on Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition, Mama Jones spoke to her daughter-in-law Chrissy after years of fighting. Chrissy said that she lost her mother at the same time that she met her husband Jim and was hoping that Mama Jones would be there for her, but she wasn't. Mama Jones said that she herself had lost her mother, so she knew what Chrissy was talking about.
She apologized to Chrissy for the same, much to her surprise. Chrissy said:
"This is a very different Nancy for me. She’s never given me an apology for the things she’s done and the things she’s caused. That was a first."
Mama Jones mentioned her intentions of wanting to get back together as a family with her. Chrissy accepted the request but asked her to be a little bit nicer to her. They then gave each other a hug. Meanwhile, Jenn got angry at Phresher for suggesting that the two get married in a city hall.
VH1 airs new episodes of Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition every Monday at 8 pm ET. Fans can also watch the show on Fubo TV and YouTube TV.