American actor Will Smith has sparked hilarious reactions on social media after an old date story with Pepa from hip-hop group Salt-N-Pepa surfaced during a recent interaction. While speaking on the latest episode of the Class of '88 podcast, the 55-year-old star and Pepa recalled the time when they both were single and went on their first date.
Speaking about it, Pepa, whose real name is Sandra Denton, said:
“Okay, you were very nice. This was the date you won and beat us out. You was so happy. You was like let’s go celebrate. Then we were out and you saw a homeless person. You gave the homeless person $100. And it was so nice. Then, we went to the Hollywood sign."
Then Will Smith added:
“I think you and Treach had been broke up for a minute. So, in my mind when I was like trying to spit my game but I ain’t really have nothing. Cuz my concern was I was gonna get killed."
The new interview about Will Smith going out with Pepa shocked several fans online, as one of them commented:
X users remark on Will Smith and Pepa reunion
After the video of Will Smith and Pepa's reunion and them discussing their first date went viral, the internet had hilarious reactions. Several users encouraged Smith to start telling his dating stories now that his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, has started speaking about her and Tupac Shakur.
Others dragged Pinkett Smith into the conversation and joked that soon she would make it about herself.
This is not the first time that Pepa has addressed her time with Will Smith. Back in 2009, she expressed her regret on how things didn't work out between the two. While speaking to Global Grind, she said:
“I thought Will was really cute, and we would hang out a lot on the road. He liked to take care of me and never let me spend a dime. He was that kind of guy, real generous. I sometimes kick myself when I think about what could have been.
"He was so nice to me, but I really wasn’t feeling him. I guess I couldn’t appreciate a nice guy like Will Smith. He wasn’t thug enough. I was attracted to thugs and hoodlums. Will was too nice to me.”
This comes after Jada Pinkett Smith recently revealed that she and Will Smith have been secretly separated for seven years.