Moonshine, the highly upbeat and quirky Canadian family dramedy made its debut on The CW on Friday, July 7, 2023, at 9 pm EST. It was first released on CBC Television in 2021. Sheri Elwood has served as the creator of the series, which centers around a dysfunctional family, the Finley-Cullens, who are constantly involved in the power struggle to take over their family business on the south shore of Nova Scotia.
Multiple Daytime Emmy Award-winning actress Jennifer Finnigan plays the lead role of Lidia Finley-Cullen in Moonshine. In a recent interview with TVLine, Finnigan disclosed what the new audience can expect from the dramedy series. During the interview, the actress said that the followers of the hit comedy-drama show Schitt’s Creek will like Moonshine.
When the interviewer asked Finnigan to fill in the blank in the sentence, "If you like _____, you’re going to like Moonshine," the actress responded with:
"Maybe Schitt’s Creek. I’d say Schitt’s Creek. Yeah, I would say it sits in there, but there’s also family drama. It’s definitely got a dramatic element as well."
Jennifer Finnigan explains that her character in the Canadian dramedy series Moonshine is "completely unhinged"
In an interview with TVLine, Jennifer Finnigan opened up about how excited and happy she is that the show is getting aired on The CW, as the series will now be available to a bigger set of audience:
"I’ve been doing this show for three years and I kind of just thought we would live in our own little microcosm of Canada and some other foreign countries. But it’s cool that The CW “got” our very quirky, weird vibe and decided we were a match."
During the interview, while explaining the synopsis of the series, Finnigan said that it is funny and quite difficult to explain, as it had a refreshingly unique storyline and set up. She also said that with time, the series gets more dramatically intense and "outlandish".
While talking about her own character Lidia Finley-Cullen in the series, Finnigan said that playing such a dramatic, comedic and over-the-top character hits her sweet spot. She further reveals that as the show progresses, her character becomes entirely "unhinged":
"But my character is completely unhinged. It was so, so incredibly fun because we were trying to figure out that tone at the beginning and essentially my character is kind of a straight man. But very quickly the lunacy rubs off on her."
Finnigan further explained that one of the biggest highlights of Moonshine is that it is extremely female-driven. She also said that her character's dynamic with her unstable sister Rhian Finley-Cullen, portrayed by Anastasia Phillips, is quite entertaining to watch.
In the series, Rhian Finley-Cullen is scorned by the fact that her sister Lidia has appeared to take over and re-model the family business from which she once ran away. While commenting on it in the interview, Finnigan elaborated:
"The Moonshine, which has been her life, should be hers, so the idea of her sister who left to become a fancy New York architect is coming back and trying to make this place into a “glamping Coachella vibe” is utterly insulting to her, and she becomes a woman scorned. And then we cut to a goat festival, with a cannibalistic goat, and a full-on physical fight. It’s fighting only the way sisters can."
Apart from Jennifer Finnigan as Lidia Finley-Cullen and Anastasia Phillips as Rhian Finley-Cullen, the cast list for Moonshine also entails:
- Emma Hunter as Nora Finley-Cullen
- Alexander Nunez as Sammy Finley-Cullen
- Tom Stevens as Ryan Finley-Cullen
- Jonathan Silverman as Daniel Bennett
- Erin Darke as Crystal Leblanc
- Allegra Fulton as Jill LeBlanc
- Farid Yazdani as Oscar Finley-Cullen
- Calem MacDonald as Finn Bennett
Don't forget to watch Moonshine on The CW.