On Tuesday, November 30, a viral Ring doorbell was posted by a Twitter user named Haley Richey, claiming that a Terre Haute police officer (presumably Jesse Chambers) brutally kicked her dog. As per the tweet's allegations, the cop was responding to a call reporting attempted burglary.
According to the tweet, Richey's family was out when an intruder broke into their house and was chased away by their dogs. Following this, her neighbor informed the police, and a sergeant came to respond to the call. As per some tweets, the officer may have been identified as Sergeant Jesse Chambers.
However, the Ring doorbell's footage shows the officer approaching the house's front porch and aggressively kicking one of the dogs before banging on the door.
What did the Terre Haute Police Department say regarding the allegations?
On Wednesday, the Terre Haute PD released officer body-cam footage (presumably Jesse Chambers), which shows a white pitbull charging at him before he approaches the house's front porch. The PD claims that the sergeant went to their residence because of complaints of aggressive dogs living in the estate.
In the bodycam footage, the officer is seen talking to another neighbor about prior problems with the dogs. The video also showcased an unidentified male resident being cited for two counts of non-immunized animal, two counts of dangerous animal prohibition, and two counts of animal restraint.
There have also been allegations against the white pitbull for biting a child in 2020. Terre Haute Police Department said,
"If the call was for aggressive dogs, where did the burglary claim originate?"
Their statement also claimed,
"Upon learning of this video, we contacted the male resident and asked multiple times if he wished to make a complaint, and he declined."
They also mentioned,
"Any claim that officers were responding to a reported burglary is untrue."
However, body cam footage also showed Jesse Chambers (presumably) saying,
"I'll kick your a**, stupid f**king dog. I'll kick the sh** out of you."
Here's how the internet has been reacting to the incident implicating Sergeant Jesse Chambers of animal cruelty
With conflicting conclusions from the facts of this incident, the internet has been split over the video footage. At the same time, many believe that Sergeant Jesse Chambers was acting defensively to protect himself against aggressive dogs. Others claim that he indulged in animal cruelty.
The prosecutor's office did not constitute the incident as a crime. It is therefore believed that no charges or disciplinary action against the alleged sergeant, Jesse Chambers, will be taken.