YOU is a psychological thriller television show that premiered on Lifetime in 2018 and later moved to Netflix. The show is based on a novel of the same name by Caroline Kepnes and follows the story of Joe Goldberg, a charming and manipulative bookstore manager who becomes obsessed with a woman named Beck and will stop at nothing to insert himself into her life and protect her from those he deems a threat.
That is even if it means breaking the law and violating her trust. The show delves into the dangerous and twisted mind of Joe and explores themes of obsession, control, and toxic relationships.
Who is Joe Goldberg?
Joe Goldberg is a unique type of sociopath who can disguise his true intentions behind a charming demeanor. He is skilled at manipulating those around him, hiding his sinister thoughts behind a seemingly innocent demeanor. Despite committing heinous acts, he views himself as justified in his actions, so his expression does not give away his true nature.
It's worth noting that Joe Goldberg is a character from the novel and Netflix series "You". The reality of sociopathy and manipulation is far more nuanced and cannot be reduced to simple stereotypes.
What is the series “You” Based on?
The hit series produced by Lifetime, and later picked up by Netflix, is back with its fourth season. The series, which is based on the book series by Caroline Kepnes, follows the story of bookstore manager Joe Goldberg, who becomes infatuated with various women and is willing to go to great lengths to keep them in his life, including committing murder.
The fourth season sees Joe move to London after killing his wife Love Quinn and faking his death, and assuming a new identity as Jonathan Moore, a university professor. However, his life takes a turn when he is framed for the murder of another professor by a serial killer known as the "Eat The Rich Killer." This sets Joe on a journey to clear his name and find the real killer.
What is the backstory of Joe Goldberg?
Joe's childhood was a traumatic experience as he witnessed his father physically abusing his mother. This led him to take action and eventually resulted in him killing his father. From that point on, he perceives himself as someone who is here to protect women.
He has a tendency to fall in love with women he thinks to require his assistance, and despite being frequently incorrect, he is convinced that he has a deep understanding of women. Additionally, he has a fondness for children and aims to preserve their innocence and childhood, motivated by a desire to protect them from similar experiences to his own.
What are the attributes of Joe Goldberg?
Joe's demeanor can be seen as sinister due to his ability to maintain his composure in high-pressure situations. Despite feeling fear internally, he is able to project an air of calmness, which is a result of his subconscious confidence and ability to quickly devise a plan for escape.
This gives the impression that he is unfazed, even when he is caught in a dangerous scenario. Joe loves to satisfy her and feels bad about himself when he fails to do so on his first attempt. Joe is a pervert who doesn’t have self-control even a bit. He starts masturbating as he watches Beck while standing outside her house.
He thinks about himself as a passionate lover and wants to take away all the problems from his girlfriends’ life even if it means killing her best friend. And if it comes to saving his ass, he can kill his girlfriend too.