The popular animated science-fiction series Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous is back with a new season. Season 4 of the famed Jurassic World series premiered on Netflix on December 3, 2021. Ever since its first season aired in 2020, Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous has been a kids' favorite as it offers a closer look at the reptilian world navigated by a group of young, heroic teenagers.
Based on Michael Crichton's books, Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous has been developed by Zack Stentz. It stars Paul-Mikél Williams (Darius), Sean Giambrone (Ben), Kausar Mohammed (Yasmina), Jenna Ortega (Brooklynn), Ryan Potter (Kenji), and Raini Rodriguez (Sammy) as the lead voice cast.
The official synopsis for Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous reads:
"Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous follows a group of six teenagers chosen for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at a new adventure camp on the opposite side of Isla Nublar. But when dinosaurs wreak havoc across the island, the campers are stranded. Unable to reach the outside world, they'll need to go from strangers to friends to family if they're going to survive."
'Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous' Season 4: What's new? [Spoilers ahead]
When Season 3 ended, our favorite group of dauntless teenagers had finally managed to escape Isla Nublar and were headed to Costa Rica to finally return to their normal lives. Unbeknownst to them, they were not the only ones who escaped.
Season 4 opens with Ben, Sammy, Yaz, Darius, and Brooklynn celebrating their freedom and preparing to bid goodbye to each other while a grumpy Kenji steers the yacht. The end of season 3 saw a rift develop between Darius and Kenji; while the teenagers are busy navigating these interpersonal matters, they find a little Compsognathus ("Compy") aboard. Soon after, the Mosasaurus capsizes their yacht and they find themselves unconscious on a mysterious island.
Braving the harsh conditions on the island and even more dangerous creatures, the teenagers eventually discover that they are on Mantah Corp's island for dinosaur experiments. Here, they find a friend in Dr. Turner and an enemy in Kash. The former enlists the help of teenagers to save the dinosaurs from Mantah Corp's experimentation, thus exposing them to a wide array of new threats and challenges involving AI dinosaurs.
Is Season 4 worth watching?
The fourth installment of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous is rife with newer challenges and torture for the six teenagers. Amidst the numerous twists and turns, the delightful friendship between the diverse group of six main characters remains intact. Aside from a fresh batch of reptilian monsters, there are also baby dinos to fawn over this season.
However, the season breaks away from the narrative thrust of the previous seasons and seems a bit unnecessarily manipulative toward the young viewers. Nevertheless, the Jurassic franchise's fans and Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous followers will enjoy the latest developments in the CG animation.
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 4 is now available to stream on Netflix. Previous seasons of the series are also available on the platform for those who wish to catch up.