Keep Breathing, Netflix's latest 6-episode mini-series, premiered on July 28, 2022, bringing forth a classic survival story focusing on Liv's (played by the brilliant Melissa Barrera) attempts to survive the wilderness alone. Though set at a below-40-minute runtime, the show still managed to drag things a little too much due to the massively predictable plotline.
The show was about a Manhattan-based lawyer's battle for survival in the face of massive adversity. The episodes were able to depict Liv's inner struggle as she interacted in a projective manner with many characters, including her boyfriend and her father. Keep Breathing also slowly unraveled the mystery behind Liv's desperate attempts to get to Inuvik and her strained relationship with her mother.
After a series of predictable twists, the final episode brought her close to acceptance and a leap of faith. Read on to find out what happened at the end of Keep Breathing.
Keep Breathing ending: So close to a perfect conclusion
One striking thing about the ending was that the creators had many chances to make something different, but the twist in the final moments of the show turned it into another ordinary survival story.
Until the fifth episode, Liv struggled with an entirely different challenge that she narrowly survived. With another push from her repressed memories, she finally walked to the edge of the river. After her memories manifested themselves as her father, she finally had some closure about her mother's abandonment. This gave her the courage and the will to go on living.
She saw that her only way of survival was through the river. She took the leap of faith and let the river tide carry her. In a beautifully shot sequence, her entire life flashed before her eyes, including some shots of a possible future. Liv was pregnant at that time, and in a montage of possible futures, she saw herself delivering the baby.
If the film ended at this point, it would have been very different from other survival films, but after miraculously floating down the river for a considerable amount of distance, she was finally found by two men, who lifted her out of the river. The closing shot showed her coming back to life after the two men administered emergency CPR to her.
Even at this point, the show could have ended before Liv came back to life. This would have left a certain amount of mystery behind.
What did the montage of Liv delivering the baby mean?
Given how she miraculously survived the river, there is a possibility that her baby survived the multiple strenuous challenges that she faced. In that case, the montage of her delivering the baby may have been a flash-forward into the future. Perhaps those are the events that happen after Liv is rescued.
But there is still a realistic chance that she has already lost her baby, and that was just a dream sequence depicting her ideal future. Those could have been the events that would have happened if she had not impulsively boarded the private plane to the Canadian town.
Keep Breathing left this open-ended but in all likelihood, it was a flash-forward scene showing the events that would happen after her rescue.
Keep Breathing is now streaming on Netflix.