Popular reality competition series American Idol season 21 aired a brand new episode on Sunday, April 9, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC. It documented the chosen contestants from Hollywood Week participating in the Showstopper round of the competition. The singers gave it their all to prove their mettle and secure their spot in the Top 24 going into the main competition.
On this week's episode of American Idol, Nutsa delivered a performance with a live band and in front of a large live audience. She apologized for causing an issue during the Hollywood week round. The singer had issues in terms of preparation with partner Carina DeAngelo. The judges accepted her apology.
Her stage presence, vocal range and personality impressed the judges and she eventually earned a spot in the Top 24 of the competition. Fans, however, were left with mixed opinions. One tweeted:
Nutsa delivers an apology and a performance on American Idol
Tonight's episode of American Idol saw the contestants getting ready for the Showstopper round where their ultimate fates would be decided. The singers had to perform with a live band and in the presence of a large live audience in an effort to prove their talent and gain a spot in the Top 24.
Nutsa got onto the American Idol stage for her Showstopper performance. Ahead of the same, she apologized to the judges for her behavior in the Hollywood Week round. For those unaware, the contestant paired herself up with Carina DeAngelo for the duet round.
However, while Carina wanted to practice and pull an all-nighter, Nutsa preferred to sleep. The former then called her up and began to practice but their differences couldn't be sorted out, which reflected in what the judges termed an "underwhelming performance."
After the duet, American Idol judge Katy Perry said:
“I just think the energy was broken between the both of you. You couldn’t give each other the energy you both needed, you both deserved and I think you’re better than that performance.”
The judges eventually picked Nutsa over Carina for the next round.
This week, however, Nutsa expressed her emotions about the incident. She said that she felt completely blindsided by Carina and couldn't speak up when Katy Perry asked her to show "grace." She was also hurt but preferred not to bring negativity into the stage last week.
The American Idol contestant apologized to Katy Perry for her behavior but felt she had to speak up. Nutsa expressed how her intention was not to hurt anybody, but after witnessing what happened on stage last week and her differences with fellow contestant Carina, it "destroyed her."
Katy eventually accepted the apology and gave Nutsa a hug. The judge understood that the contestant wanted to be strong.
For her performance in the Showstopper round, Nutsa performed Proud Mary by Tina Turner. She thoroughly enjoyed not only signing but also giving the audience a concert-like experience. The judges were stunned with her performance and gave her a standing ovation.
The judges expressed that while they couldn't put her in the Top 24, she did it for herself. Nutsa initially didn't understand, but later realized that she was advancing forward in the competition.
Fans divided over Nutsa's performance on American Idol
Fans took to social media to express their opinions on Nutsa's performance. Some felt her apology was insincere, while others enjoyed her performance.
Some fans cheered for Nutsa and felt she delivered a great performance.
Season 21 of American Idol is getting intense with every passing episode. Many fan-favorite contestants have already been eliminated due to stiff competition this year. As the installment progresses, the contestants will be tested on even tougher challenges. Viewers will have to wait and see what's in store for them.
Don't forget to tune in to a brand new episode on Monday, April 10, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC.