16-year-old Kyle Limper, a resident of Philadelphia, tragically passed away within 24 hours after he was diagnosed with cancer. Kylie, an avid football player, died due to a blood infection caused by leukemia. What is perhaps more shocking about his death is that he played football, wrestled, and even ran the track at Penn Treaty High School just a day before he was diagnosed with cancer.
Limper's parents claimed that just a day after his march, he complained of back pain and was taken to the hospital for a checkup. Kyle’s father, Ken Limper, said:
“They told me in a couple of days, if he doesn’t get better, to bring him back. Well, in a couple of days he couldn’t even stand up. He couldn’t even get out of bed and I had to help him up and stand him up, then he fell right back down on the bed.”
Upon being rushed to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, doctors diagnosed Kyle Limper with leukemia, declaring that his organs were shutting down one by one. He passed away within 24 hours.
Kyle Limper passed away on April 13, 2023. His obituary states that he died around 11 PM. The parents also claimed that he was fit and healthy before he was diagnosed, as no one could spot any signs of illness in the teen.
“We have to live our best lives for Kyle”: Kyle Limper's obituary talks about his love for sports, criminal law, and superheroes
After Kyle Limper passed away, in his obituary, devastated parents Kenneth and Josephine talked about how he was perfectly healthy before his demise, and looking at him, nobody would have guessed that he was a patient of leukemia. The obituary also mentioned Kyle’s brother Justin and sister Kaitlyn.
The obituary also stated that Kyle aspired to become a college football player. He was also interested to learn about criminal law and go into CSI or FBI.
The obituary continued:
“He wanted so badly to achieve this goal that he applied and was accepted to a program where he would have studied with real CSI agents in Washington DC, which was to take place this summer. This all stemmed from his love of superheroes, which he wanted to be. He wanted to stop all the evil in this world and to put the criminals behind bars, so that people could live their lives safely. As always, Kyle was thinking of everyone else.”
Kyle Limper’s funeral was held on April 25, 2023, where friends, family, school teachers, and fellow athletes gathered to pay their last respects.
The teen's family is also raising money on GoFundMe to cover the funeral expenses. The fundraiser has already collected over $10,000 as more than 260 people have donated to the cause.