Disney+'s new comedy series, L-Pop, will premiere on the streaming platform on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. The show focuses on a young girl who dreams of becoming a K-Pop icon, but the journey ahead isn't that easy as her parents' expectations often conflict with her dreams. A short description of the show, as shared on Dubbed UK's YouTube channel, reads:
''K-pop fan Andrea forms her own cover dance group after being kicked out of her previous group. She then must decide between becoming a dentist or following her true dream: to prepare to be a professional singer in the same place that all her idols did: Korea. Her sister Pau keeps an eye on her while directing a documentary about her adventures.''
L-Pop features Andrea de Alba in the lead role as the protagonist, along with many others starring in supporting roles. The show is expected to follow the standard weekly-release schedule.
L-Pop cast list: Andrea de Alba and others to feature in new Disney+ series
1) Andrea de Alba as Andrea
Andrea de Alba essays the lead role of Andrea in Disney+'s L-Pop. Andrea is a lively and charming young girl who's deeply passionate about music, especially K-Pop. She dreams of becoming a K-Pop star like her idols, but her dreams often conflict with her parents' expectations as they want her to pursue a different career.
Andrea's journey forms the crux of the story, and it'll be interesting to see how her character would be explored in the show. Andrea de Alba looks in phenomenal form in the trailer and viewers can expect her to deliver an impressive performance in the show. She's previously appeared in BIA and BIA: An Upside Down World, wherein she played the character of Carmín Laguardiová, for which she received critical acclaim.
2) Arantza Ruiz as Indra
Arantza Ruiz essays the character of Indra in the new Disney+ comedy series. Apart from that, not many other details pertaining to her character are known at this point, but viewers can expect her to play a significant role in the story.
Arantza Ruiz is a noted actress who's known for her works on Juana Inés, La querida del Centauro, Sense8, and Perseguidos, to name a few.
3) Diego Casba as Pablo
Young actor Diego Casba stars as Pablo in L-Pop. Not much else is known regarding Casba's character as of now, but the actor reportedly plays a major role in the storyline, and it'll be interesting to see how their performance pans out.
Casba has previously starred in Who's a Good Boy?, wherein the actor portrayed the role of Tomás, a performance for which they garnered high praise from viewers and critics.
Apart from Andrea de Alba, Arantza Ruiz, and Diego Casba, the show also features various other highly talented actors playing crucial supporting roles. These include:
- Macarena Oz as Silvana
- Rodrigo Rumi as Diego
- Pamela Cervantes as Lety
- Vanessa Acosta as Margarita
- Alberto Casanova as Felipe
- Ji-Moon as Hye-Jin
- Isan as Ji-Won
- Juan Fonsalido as Tomás
- Alicia Jaziz as Pau
You can watch L-Pop on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.