Peacock's new post-apocalyptic drama series, Last Light, marks the small-screen return of Lost actor Matthew Fox. The series will premiere on Peacock on Thursday, September 8, 2022. It tells the story of a man who travels to the Middle East and discovers that the world is going through a severe oil crisis.
Apart from Fox, the miniseries features Joanne Froggatt and Alyth Ross in pivotal supporting roles. Keep reading to find out more details about the cast of the show.
Peacock's Last Light cast list boasts of stellar acting
1) Matthew Fox as Andy Yeats
Matthew Fox plays the lead role of Andy Yeats in the series. Yeats is a petro-chemical engineer who discovers on a trip to the Middle East that the world is going through a severe oil crisis. Fox appears to be in stellar form in the trailer, and viewers can look forward to an impressive performance from him.
Fox is best known for his performance in the iconic mystery drama series, Lost, wherein he played the role of Jack Shephard. Apart from that, he's also appeared in Vantage of Point, Party of Five, and Emperor.
2) Joanne Froggatt as Elena Yeats
Actress Joanne Froggatt essays the role of Elena Yeats in the series. Froggatt appears briefly in the trailer and is shown arguing with Fox's character, asking him to be present for their son's surgery. Froggatt is an award-winning actress. She is best known for her performance as Anna Bates in Downtown Abbey. Her other notable film and TV credits include Bad Girls, The Commons, Murder in the Outback, and many more.
3) Alyth Ross as Laura Yeats
Alyth Ross stars as Laura Yeats in Last Light, the daughter of Andy and Elena Yeats. Other details about her character are not known at this point. Apart from Last Light, Ross is known for her work in the noted crime drama series, Traces.
4) Amber Rose Revah as Mika Bakhash
Amber Rose Revah dons the role of Mika Bakhash in Last Light. Details about her character are being kept under tight wraps. Rose Revah is widely known for her performances in The Punisher, Indian Summers, and the John Travolta starrer From Paris With Love.
Apart from the actors mentioned above, the show also stars many others in prominent supporting roles, like:
- Taylor Fay
- Victor Alli
- Hakeem Jomah
- Tom Wlaschiha
A quick look at Last Light trailer and plot
The official trailer for Last Light offers a peek into the show's dystopian world going through a severe oil crisis. On a trip to the Middle East, Matthew Fox's character discovers that the world is experiencing a devastating oil crisis. His whole life is in shambles, with his family away from him while the world appears to be in a state of panic.
Overall, the trailer maintains a menacing tone that fans of dystopian sci-fi and post-apocalyptic dramas would undoubtedly love. A brief synopsis of the series, as per IMDb, reads:
''Your family. Your world. What if it all disappeared tomorrow? If society were collapsing, how far would you go to save the ones you love?''
Don't miss Last Light on Peacock on Thursday, September 8, 2022.